
developing more effective disease prevention strategies and promoting global public he The aim of this study is to investigate the interrelationships between viruses, and to provide a scientific basis for future prevention and control efforts through in potential impact of microbes on dengue transmission. Research in this field will bring new insights into several fields, including ecology, virology and public health, and contribute to global dengue control. 1 Diversity of Gut Microbiota in 1.1 Structure and function of microbial communities The gut microbial community of Aedes aegypti microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi and viruses (Figure 1). These microorganisms form a unique ecosystem in the host's gut and perform important physiological and ecological functions. Figure 1 Intestinal microbiota (Image source: Baidu Image Library) The structure of microbial communities has a profound effect on the physiological functions of (Yue, 2023). For example, some bacteria may be involved in food digestion and nutrient absorption in the host, directly affecting mosquito growth and development. At the same time, microorganisms may also play a role in antimicrobial defense, helping the host to fight agai The function of microbial communities extends to the regulation of the host's immune system. Some microbes may influence pathogen infestation by activating or suppressing host immune responses. This immunomodulatory role has important implications for whether 1.2 Factors affecting microbial diversity The diversity of microbial communities is influenced by a number of factors, some of which are environmental while others are host factors. Environmental factors include temperature, humidity, food availability in the habitat, etc., and these conditions will directly affect the reproduction and survival of microorganisms.The microbial communities of Aedes aegypti may also vary in diff climate and vegetation. Host factors likewise have an impact on microbial diversity. For example, the genetic background of aegypti may influence its tolerance of specific microorganisms and The physiological state of the host, such as blood ingestion and egg development, may also regulate microbial ecology to some extent. 1.3 Symbiotic relationship between microorganisms and hosts There is a symbiotic relationship between reproduction of the host (Figure 2). Microbes provide multifaceted support to the host, including assisting in food digestion, antimicrobial defense, and im relatively stable environment for microbes to survive, which facilitates their reproduction and spread. Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1 2 developing more effective disease prevention strategies and promoting global public health. Aedes aegypti gut microbes and dengue es on dengue transmission. Research in this field will bring new insights into several Aedes aegypti of microbial communities is a complex ecosystem composed of a wide range of erform important physiological and ecological functions. example, some bacteria may be involved in food digestion and nutrient absorption in the host, antimicrobial defense, helping the host to fight against potential pathogens. ant implications for whether Aedes aegypti can successfully transmit dengue virus. factors. Environmental factors include temperature, humidity, food availability in the habitat, may also vary in different geographical areas, which may be related to the local may influence its tolerance of specific microorganisms and thus the structure of the microbial community. biotic relationship between Aedes aegypti and its gut microbes that is critical to the survival and digestion, antimicrobial defense, and immunomodulation (Xiao, 2023). Meanwhile, Aedes aegypti 4, Vol.14, No.1, 1-9 alth. viruses, and to provide a scientific basis for future prevention and control efforts through in-depth study of the Aedes aegypti erent geographical areas, which may be related to the local Aedes thus the structure of the microbial community. provides a