
Review and Progress The Interaction between Aedes aegypti Yulin Zhou Institute of Life Science, Jiyang College of Zhejiang A&F University, Zhuji, 311800, China Corresponding author email: Journal of Mosquito Research, 2024, Vol.14, No.1 doi: Received: 01 Nov., 2023 Accepted: 10 Dec., 2023 Published: 01 Jan., 2024 Copyright © 2024 Zhou, This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited Preferred citation for this article: Zhou Y.L., 2024, The The interaction between A 10.5376/jmr.2024.14.0001) Abstract This study aims to explore the mutual influence between the gut microbiota of fever virus. Through the analysis of microbial communities in regions, significant differences in microbial composition were observed. Further research indicates microbial diversity and the level of dengue fever virus infection in mosquitoes, suggesting a potentially crucial role of the in host immune regulation. Experimental evidence reveals that some microbes may positivel the dengue fever virus by activating the mosquito's immune system and producing antiviral substances. The final results demon a significant influence of the microbiota on the efficiency of dengue fever virus tr of the interplay between Aedes aegypti and the dengue fever virus, providing new research directions for future vector control. Keywords Aedes aegypti mosquitoes; Interaction; Microbial community; Dengue fever virus; Vector control Dengue fever is an acute infectious disease caused by the dengue virus, the main vector of which is the aegypti mosquito, which is considered to be an efficient transmi to urban environments, its diurnal activity, and its dependence on human blood. With global climate change and the impact of human activities, the distribution of the global health concerns. An in-depth understanding of the interactions between dengue viruses is essential for the development of effective vector control strategies (Zhang et al., 2023). Microorganisms are integral components of ecosystems, and their diversity and functionality play a key role in maintaining ecological balance and biodiversity. In nature, microorganisms exist in a variety of environments, including soil, water and organisms. They are invol cycling and host immune regulation. They play a central role in nutrient cycling, biodiversity maintenance, and energy conversion, and provide indispensable support for the health and stability of in-depth understanding of the functions and interrelationships of microorganisms in ecosystems is of great significance in maintaining the ecological balance of the earth and promoting sustainable development. A deep understanding of the role of microorganisms in ecosystems helps to reveal their functions and impacts in different organisms. Significant progress has been made in the study of interaction between their gut microbes a 2019). Gut microbes of mosquitoes can influence their immune system, physiological status, and ability to be infected by viruses. Understanding how microbes regulate host understanding of dengue transmission mechanisms and for finding new avenues for vector control. Previous studies have revealed the potential role of microbes in other mosquito and malaria. By drawing on these findings, the potential mechanisms by which gut microbes of the mosquito influence dengue virus transmission were identified. A deeper understanding of these mechanisms will not only help reduce the risk of dengue transm disease control. From basic research to applied practice, in Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1 1 Gut Microbiota and Dengue Fever Virus oi: 10.5376/jmr.2024.14.0001 This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Aedes aegypti gut microbiota and dengue fever virus, Journal of Mosquito Research Aedes aegypti Aedes aegypti mosquito populations from different geographical regions, significant differences in microbial composition were observed. Further research indicates a certain correlation between in host immune regulation. Experimental evidence reveals that some microbes may positively impact inhibiting the transmission of a significant influence of the microbiota on the efficiency of dengue fever virus transmission. This study deepens our understanding mosquito, which is considered to be an efficient transmitter of dengue viruses due to its high adaptability Aedes aegypti mosquitoes has expanded, ma depth understanding of the interactions between Aedes aegypti e integral components of ecosystems, and their diversity and functionality play a key role in including soil, water and organisms. They are involved in a variety of ecological processes, such as material energy conversion, and provide indispensable support for the health and stability of the entire ecosystem. An depth understanding of the functions and interrelationships of microorganisms in ecosystems is of great of the role of microorganisms in ecosystems helps to reveal their functions and impacts in different Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and dengue viruses, but the interaction between their gut microbes and dengue viruses remains an incompletely explored area (Sun et al., infected by viruses. Understanding how microbes regulate host-dengue virus interactions is crucial for a deeper Previous studies have revealed the potential role of microbes in other mosquito-borne diseases, such as Zika virus . By drawing on these findings, the potential mechanisms by which gut microbes of the not only help reduce the risk of dengue transmission, but also provide new ideas for global mosquito disease control. From basic research to applied practice, in-depth exploration in this area is important for 4, Vol.14, No.1, 1-9 Open Access Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted , Journal of Mosquito Research, 14(1): 1-9 (doi: aegypti mosquitoes and dengue a certain correlation between microbial diversity and the level of dengue fever virus infection in mosquitoes, suggesting a potentially crucial role of the microbiota y impact inhibiting the transmission of the dengue fever virus by activating the mosquito's immune system and producing antiviral substances. The final results demonstrate ansmission. This study deepens our understanding Aedes tter of dengue viruses due to its high adaptability mosquitoes has expanded, making dengue one of mosquitoes and ved in a variety of ecological processes, such as material the entire ecosystem. An nd dengue viruses remains an incompletely explored area (Sun et al., eractions is crucial for a deeper borne diseases, such as Zika virus Aedes aegypti ission, but also provide new ideas for global mosquito-borne depth exploration in this area is important for