
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 34-48 36 Other studies focus on the potential effects of microbes in mosquitoes on the ecological behavior and physiological characteristics of mosquitoes. Some microbes may directly or indirectly affect the ecological roles of mosquitoes by altering their immune system, influencing their host selection behavior, and regulating the function of the reproductive system. These studies help to reveal the mechanisms by which microbes regulate mosquito behavior and roles in the ecosystem. There are also studies that focus on the relationship between mosquitoes and infectious diseases by examining whether the microorganisms carried by mosquitoes are potentially pathogenic and whether these microorganisms affect the ability of mosquitoes to act as disease vectors. These studies have provided new perspectives on understanding the microbial regulation of the relationship between mosquitoes and infectious diseases for disease prevention and control. Taken together, the study of mosquito-microbe interactions involves multiple aspects of the mosquito life cycle, microbial diversity, and microbial influences on mosquito behavior and physiological characteristics. An in-depth understanding of these interactions is important for understanding the dynamic balance of the mosquito ecosystem and the mechanism of mosquito-borne diseases. Future studies should continue to dig deeper into the details of microbe-mosquito interactions to provide a more comprehensive understanding of mosquito ecology and infectious disease prevention and control. 2 Direct Effects of Microorganisms on Mosquito Behavior 2.1 Impact of mosquitoes as vectors of disease transmission Mosquitoes have played a prominent role in human history as important vectors of disease transmission. This phenomenon is mainly attributed to the introduction of pathogens carried by mosquitoes into their hosts during their blood-sucking behavior. Pathogens such as parasites, viruses and bacteria multiply in the mosquito's body, thus making it an effective transmitter of many infectious diseases (Sun, 2019). Microorganisms play a key role in the transmission of diseases by mosquitoes. They may be the main carriers of pathogens and are responsible for transferring pathogens from the source of infection to a new host. Microorganisms may also influence the mosquito's infective capacity and infection cycle, by modulating the mosquito's immune system or altering its host selection behavior, thus affecting the efficiency of disease transmission. 2.2 Mosquito reproduction and microbial influences Microorganisms have a direct impact on the reproductive behavior of mosquitoes. In mosquitoes, some microorganisms may interact with their reproductive organs to influence the egg development and hatching process. This effect may manifest itself by promoting egg hatching and increasing larval survival or, conversely, by inhibiting egg development and reducing population size. These microorganisms may affect the reproductive success of mosquitoes by altering the biochemical environment within the mosquito, such as influencing hormone levels and providing specific nutrients. Microorganisms may have a direct effect on the development of mosquitoes during their egg stage. During the process of mosquito egg laying, some microorganisms may survive with the eggs and enter a new life cycle. These microorganisms may affect egg development and hatching by altering the microenvironment of the egg, such as by providing specific nutrients or by influencing the surface properties of the egg. The reproductive organs of mosquitoes are important settlement sites for microbial communities, including bacteria and fungi. These microorganisms may affect the reproductive health and reproductive behavior of mosquitoes. Some microorganisms may assist mosquitoes in reproduction, either by producing beneficial metabolites or by cross-fertilizing with mosquito physiological processes. Some microorganisms may adversely affect the reproductive system of mosquitoes by causing damage to reproductive organs or physiological abnormalities.