
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 34-48 35 Although past research has revealed some of the interactions between mosquitoes and microbes, there are still many uncharted areas that need to be explored in depth. The specific mechanisms by which microbes influence mosquito behavior are unknown, particularly in the reproductive and immune systems. With the global challenge of disease transmission, understanding the role of microbes in the relationship between mosquitoes and infectious diseases is crucial for the development of more effective prevention and control strategies (Yang et al., 2023). The aim of this study was to provide a systematic overview of the potential effects of microbes on mosquito behavior, with a view to providing a basis for future research and new perspectives on mosquito ecosystem management and disease prevention and control. 1 Overview of Mosquito-microbe Interactions 1.1 Overview of mosquito life cycle and behavior Mosquitoes are a group of insects with a complex life cycle that consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult. This process usually takes place in water bodies, where mosquitoes lay eggs, hatch into larvae, and go through the pupal stage to eventually transform into adults. The reproductive behavior of mosquitoes is closely related to their ecological adaptations; females need to feed on blood for protein to support egg development, while males feed primarily on nectar. Mosquito behavior has important implications for their interactions with microorganisms (Gao et al., 2020). For example, mosquitoes may ingest a number of microorganisms during blood feeding, and these microorganisms may colonize the mosquito to form unique microbial communities. In addition, mosquitoes' host selection, field activities and ecological location also influence the formation of their microbial communities. 1.2 Overview of microbial species and their distribution in mosquitoes The microorganisms in mosquitoes include bacteria, fungi, viruses and many other types. These microorganisms can be present in the mosquito's mouthparts, intestines, reproductive organs and other parts of the body (Figure 1). In the larval stage of mosquitoes, microorganisms in the water body may also enter their bodies and affect the formation of microorganisms in their bodies. Figure 1 Interaction between the microbiota in the midgut of mosquitoes and malaria parasites (Romoli and Gendrin, 2018) Female mosquitoes may ingest microorganisms present in the host's blood while feeding on it. These microorganisms can include pathogens such as parasites, bacteria, etc. The environmental and physiological characteristics of the mosquito's body may provide suitable conditions for certain microorganisms to survive, leading to their colonization of the mosquito's body. 1.3 Overview of what established studies have learned about mosquito-microbe interactions Past studies have revealed the complex network of interactions between mosquitoes and microorganisms (Zhang et al., 2023). Several studies have focused on identifying and characterizing the diversity of microorganisms in mosquitoes, exploring the distribution and abundance of different species of microorganisms in mosquitoes through molecular biology techniques and microbiological approaches. This provides a basis for understanding mosquito-microbe interactions.