
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 26-33 32 release is discussed in detail, including advanced methods for simulating the effects of release and strategy optimization using ecological models. These methods are expected to improve the effectiveness and sustainability of gene-driven release strategies and make them better adapted to different ecological environments. While exploring gene-driven release technologies in depth, there are some suggestions and directions that can guide future research: continue to strengthen research on the ecology and population dynamics of mosquitoes in order to improve the accuracy of ecological models. A more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the behavior and life cycle of mosquitoes under different environmental conditions will help to establish more realistic and reliable ecological models to better optimize the gene-driven release strategy. Provide insight into the impact of gene drive releases on genetic diversity and explore new ways to maintain genetic diversity. Understanding the changes in gene frequencies induced by gene drive technology in mosquito populations and how mechanisms can be introduced into strategies to conserve genetic diversity will provide deeper insights into the feasibility and safety of the technology. Strengthen research on ethical and environmental risk assessment to establish more comprehensive and specific ethical guidelines and management measures. Social acceptance and environmental risk assessment are important factors in the successful diffusion of gene drive release technologies, and more research is needed to address public concerns and ensure the safe application of the technologies. Overall, gene-driven release strategies based on ecological modeling have potential advantages in mosquito control, but also face many challenges (Dong et al., 2019). Future research needs to continue to delve deeper into these issues to better understand the operational mechanisms of the technology and provide more targeted solutions for its application in practice. This will help promote the development of gene-driven release technology and provide a more effective means for the prevention and control of mosquito-borne diseases. References Chen F., Wei Y.J., Zhang Z.P., Chang Y., Gong Y.F., Su Y.J., and Yang Z.H., 2023, Research and application of crispr-cas9 gene editing technology in special medicinal materials, Xiandai Nongye Keji (Modern Agricultural Science and Technology), 3: 82-91. Dong Z.R., Zhao J.Y., and Zhang J., 2019, Three types flows via four dimensional connectivity ecological model,Shuili Shuidian Jishu (Water Resources and Hydropower Engineering), 50(6): 134-141. Feng X., López Del Amo V., Mameli E., Lee M., Bishop A.L., Perrimon M., and Gantz V.M., 2021, Optimized CRISPR tools and site-directed transgenesis towards gene drive development in Culex quinquefasciatus mosquitoes, Nature communications, 12(1): 2960. PMid:34017003 PMCid:PMC8137705 Guégan M., Zouache K., Démichel C., Minard G., Van V.T., Potier P., Mavingui P., and Moro C.V., 2018, The mosquito holobiont: fresh insight into mosquito-microbiota interactions, Microbiome, 6: 1-17. PMid:29554951 PMCid:PMC5859429 Hafez A.M., and Abbas N., 2021, Insecticide resistance to insect growth regulators, avermectins, spinosyns and diamides in Culex quinquefasciatus in saudi arabia, Parasites & Vectors, 14: 1-9. PMid:34715900 PMCid:PMC8555291 Huang Q., and Jin H.X., 2023, Research progress and lessons of influence mechanism of green space on physical activity based on social ecology model, Zhongguo Yuanlin (Chinese Landscape Architecture), 39(3): 93-98. Jiang Y.M., Wang L.H., Hu W.Q., Gao H., and Wang S.B., 2023, Mosquito microbiome and its application in mosquito-borne diseases control, Zhongguo Kexue Shengming Kexue (Scientia Sinica (Vitae)), 53(5): 637-646. Li C.B., Wang Y., Zhao S., Fan P.L., Ling H., Li X.C., Zhou J.F., and Fang W.H., 2022, Accumulation, metabolism and elimination of enrofloxacin in submerged macrophytes in simulated ecosystem, Haiyang Yuye (Marine Fisheries), 44(4): 491-500. Liu D., and Teng X.D., Research progress on CRISPR technology in the detection of mosquito-borne diseases, 2023, Zhongguo Guojing Weisheng Jianyi Zazhi (Chinese Journal of Frontier Health and Quarantine), 46(2): 188-191. Lopes R.P., Lima J.B.P., and Martins A.J., 2019, Insecticide resistance in Culex quinquefasciatus say, 1823 in Brazil: a review, Parasites & vectors, 12: 1-12. PMid:31852489 PMCid:PMC6921570 Melo-Merino S.M., Reyes-Bonilla H., and Lira-Noriega A., 2020, Ecological niche models and species distribution models in marine environments: a literature review and spatial analysis of evidence, Ecological Modelling, 415: 108837.