
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 18-25 24 patterns across different hosts, is crucial for understanding how viruses adapt and spread in various ecological settings. The findings of this study deepen our understanding of virus transmission dynamics and provide a scientific basis for developing effective disease prevention and control strategies, highlighting the importance of studying the interactions between viruses, hosts, and vectors. Figure 6 Novel hosts transmitted ZIKV to mosquitoes more efficiently than native hosts 3 Evaluation of the Research This study, through its meticulously designed experiments, detailed data collection, and rigorous analytical methods, demonstrates the high degree of precision in scientific research. It delves into the transmission mechanisms and immune responses of Dengue virus (DENV) and Zika virus (ZIKV) in non-human primate hosts, providing crucial insights into how these viruses replicate within hosts and their impact on mosquito transmission capabilities. The research team maintained high accuracy throughout the experimental process and detailed the experimental steps and analytical methods in the report. This not only ensured the credibility and transparency of the research findings but also enhanced the study's replicability. This methodological rigor and transparency serve as a valuable example and reference for future research in virology and its intersecting fields, helping to advance the scientific community's understanding of the complex relationship between virus transmission and host immune responses, while laying a solid foundation for developing effective prevention measures and treatment methods. 4 Conclusion By precisely mimicking the process of monkeys being infected with Dengue virus (DENV) and Zika virus (ZIKV) through mosquito bites, this study has revealed complex and subtle interactions between virus transmission and host immune responses. These findings not only enhance our understanding of how these two viruses replicate within different hosts and their mechanisms of transmission but also hold significant implications for the development of preventative measures and treatment strategies against these viruses. Furthermore, the results underscore the importance of understanding how viruses transmit between natural hosts and humans in the field of public health, providing a scientific basis for formulating effective disease control and prevention policies. This research has broad application prospects and profound impacts.