
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 10-17 14 These changes in adaptation and competition may cause dynamic instability in ecosystems. Interactions and competitive relationships in ecosystems are complex and dynamic, and changes in the abundance and behavior of one species may trigger a range of responses throughout the ecosystem. This may lead to fluctuations in population size, changes in ecological niches and perturbations in the structure of the food chain in the ecosystem, thereby affecting the stability of the entire ecosystem. 3 Long Term Impact and Risk Assessment 3.1 The impact of genetic drift and gene flow on wild mosquito populations After the release of edited mosquitoes, the gene-edited traits may spread in field mosquito populations, leading to genetic drift (Zhu et al., 2022). This means that edited genes may gradually increase in mosquito populations, leading to genomic changes in field mosquito populations. Such drift may be expected, but it may also trigger unanticipated genetic effects that could affect the ecological fitness and viability of mosquitoes. Edited mosquitoes may undergo gene flow, i.e. gene exchange, with wild mosquito populations. If edited mosquitoes mate and breed with field mosquito populations, the edited genes may be introduced into the field mosquito populations, thereby affecting their genetic composition (Figure 3). This could lead to the emergence of edited mosquito traits in the wild mosquito population, which in turn could alter the ecological traits and behavior of the wild mosquito population. Figure 3 Gene exchange between mosquitoes and wild mosquito population (Image Source: Baidu Image Library) The effects of genetic drift and gene flow may be irreversible. Once the edited genes are introduced into wild mosquito populations, they may be difficult to reverse. This means that undesired genetic effects may occur, with long-term impacts on the ecosystem. In addition, gene flow may affect the adaptability of mosquito populations in the wild, making it difficult for them to adapt to environmental changes or new ecological stresses. The impact of genetic drift and gene flow requires rigorous monitoring and assessment. Real-time genetic monitoring needs to be implemented in order to understand whether the genes of edited mosquitoes have been introduced into field mosquito populations, as well as the extent and impact of the introduction. This helps to identify potential problems early and to take appropriate measures to manage the risk of genetic drift and gene flow. 3.2 Evaluation of ecosystem stability For the release of gene-edited mosquitoes, an assessment of ecosystem stability is needed, especially considering the possible effects of ecological niche redistribution (Yang et al., 2018). The assessment of ecosystem stability requires an in-depth understanding of the definition and role of ecological niches. Ecological niches are the resource use and survival strategies that organisms occupy in an ecosystem, involving food, habitat, and reproduction. Ecological niche redistribution means that changes in mosquito populations and behaviors may affect the ecological niches of other organisms, triggering imbalances in the ecosystem. Ecological niche redistribution may affect the structure of food chains and food webs (Figure 4). Mosquitoes interact with other organisms as part of the food chain, and changes in their populations and behavior may lead to changes in the hierarchy of the food chain. For example, if mosquito populations decline, the food supply for their