
Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 10-17 13 Editing mosquitoes may change their position in the food chain, affecting their food sources and risk of predation. Such changes may affect the abundance and behavior of predators that feed on mosquitoes, which in turn may have a knock-on effect on the entire food chain structure. Competitive relationships between mosquitoes and other organisms may change after the release of gene-edited mosquitoes (da Fonseca Júnior et al., 2019). Changes in the numbers and behavior of edited mosquitoes may affect other organisms with which they compete for resources (e.g., food and habitat). This may lead to changes in the intensity and direction of competition, which may affect the relative abundance and distribution of various organism populations throughout the ecosystem. The release of gene-edited mosquitoes may also trigger changes in predator-prey interaction patterns. Mosquitoes are one of the main food items for many predators, and a reduction in the number of edited mosquitoes or a change in their behavior would have a direct impact on the numbers and ecological niches of the predators that depend on mosquitoes as their main food item. This will trigger a series of responses in the ecosystem that will change the dynamics of the entire food web. 2.2 Food chain and ecological balance The release of gene-edited mosquitoes may have important implications for the food chain and ecological balance, triggering a redistribution of food resources. The release of edited mosquitoes may affect the status of mosquitoes as a food source, with knock-on effects on their predators. Mosquitoes are an important food source for many predators, and a reduction in the number of editing mosquitoes would affect the food supply of predators that rely on mosquitoes as their main food source. This could lead to a reduction in the number of predators, which in turn could affect the structure of the entire food chain. Changes in mosquito populations and behavior may trigger cascading effects in food chains. Mosquitoes form complex interrelationships with plants and other organisms, and they may occupy key positions in the food chain. If the population of editing mosquitoes decreases, it may lead to an increase in the populations of other organisms, which could affect the hierarchy of the entire food chain. This will have a knock-on effect on the populations of organisms up and down the food chain, affecting the ecological balance. Redistribution of food resources may lead to an imbalance in ecological balance (Chang, 2023). If mosquito populations decrease, the decrease in their prey may trigger an increase in the number of prey, affecting other biological populations. This imbalance may lead to dysfunction of the entire ecosystem, affecting the services provided by the ecosystem, such as water circulation, soil conservation, etc., thus negatively affecting human society. 2.3 Adaptation and competition of non target species The release of gene-edited mosquitoes may trigger changes in the adaptive and competitive relationships of non-target species, thus inducing complex dynamics in ecosystems. Changes in the numbers and behavior of edited mosquitoes may lead to the adaptation of other organism populations to new ecological environments. If mosquito populations decrease, other organisms may seek new food sources or habitats to adapt to the change. This may lead to the migration, expansion or decline of non-target species, altering the distribution and abundance of different populations in the ecosystem. The release of edited mosquitoes may lead to changes in competitive relationships with other organisms. As a link in the food chain, mosquitoes interact with other organisms, including competition with other insects, birds, etc. If mosquito populations decline, other organisms may face reduced competition for resources or, conversely, may expand competition in search of new food resources. This may lead to destabilization of competitive relationships in ecosystems and affect the balance of biological populations. The release of editing mosquitoes may trigger a change in the pattern of predator-prey interactions. Mosquitoes are one of the main food items for many predators, and if mosquito populations are reduced, this will affect the numbers and behavior of predators that feed on mosquitoes. This could lead to a reduction in predator populations, which could affect the abundance and distribution of other organism populations, with knock-on effects on the ecosystem.