
5 Research Results and Discussion 5.1 Experimental evidence of microbial interactions between Experimental evidence on microbial effects on the interaction of through experimental design and data analysis. In terms of microbial effects on the gut of significant differences in microbial communities were found in geographic regions. This provides a basis for further research on microbe In mosquito populations infected with dengue virus, a correlation w microorganisms and the level of virus infection. The abundance of some microorganisms was negatively correlated with the level of virus in mosquitoes, suggesting that these microorganisms may have the potential to inhibit dengue virus transmission (Chen et al., 2023). This finding supports the positive regulatory effect of microorganisms on the host immune system. Further experimental evidence showed that dengue virus transmission was significantly reduced in microbially modulated mosquitoes. Compared with the control group, the viral infection rate and replication rate were slowed down in the experimental group, demonstrating the important role of microorganisms in resisting dengue virus attack. This provides an experimental basis for exploring microbial regulatory strategies to slow down dengue transmission. 5.2 Interpretation of results and possible mechanisms Interpretation of the results involves possible mechanisms of microbial interaction with the dengue virus. Microorganisms may inhibit virus transmission by activating the immune system of mosquitoes. Some microorganisms may cause the activation of host immune cells and enhance their resistance to the virus, thereby reducing the rate of infection by the virus. Antiviral substances produced by microorganisms may be important in inhibiting the spread of dengue virus. These antiviral substances may directly affect the replication and spreading process of the virus, slowing down the spread of the virus in mosquitoes. Thr antiviral strategies will be found. The influence of microorganisms on the physiological state of mosquitoes may also be an important mechanism for inhibiting virus transmission. Some microorganisms may modulate mosquito feeding behavior, reproductive activities, etc., leading to changes in mosquito biting behavior and thus reducing the chance of dengue virus transmission. An in-depth understanding of this mechanism will provide new control strategies. 5.3 Comparison with previous studies The results of this study were compared with previous related studies to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the microbial impact on the interaction of several studies, a correlation was found between the diversity of the microbial community and the level of virus in mosquitoes. This supports the role of microbes in modulating the host immune system. Some of the differences from other studies are the in virus transmission. Comparisons between experimental and control groups provided more concrete evidence that the presence of microorganisms can significa provides a new research direction for the use of microorganisms in vector control. In addition, this study highlights that antiviral substances produced by microorganisms may be an impor mechanism influencing dengue virus transmission. This provides useful insights for the development of future vaccines or antiviral drugs. By comparing with previous studies, the research on the mechanism of virus interactions fills some gaps and provides a new impetus for further exploration in this field. Journal of Mosquito Research 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 1 7 Aedes aegypti and dengue fever virus Aedes aegypti with dengue virus was obtained ences in microbial communities were found in Aedes aegypti mosquito populations from different geographic regions. This provides a basis for further research on microbe-host relationships. In mosquito populations infected with dengue virus, a correlation was observed between the diversity of it dengue virus transmission (Chen et al., 2023). This finding supports the positive regulatory effect of ntal basis for exploring microbial regulatory strategies to slow down dengue oorganisms may inhibit virus transmission by activating the immune system of mosquitoes. Some iral substances produced by microorganisms may be important in inhibiting the spread of dengue virus. spread of the virus in mosquitoes. Through in-depth study of these substances, it is expected that more targeted me microorganisms may modulate mosquito feeding behavior, reproductive depth understanding of this mechanism will provide new ideas for future prevention and Aedes aegypti with dengue virus. Consistent with differences from other studies are the in-depth examination of the direct effect of microorganisms on the presence of microorganisms can significantly affect the efficiency of dengue virus transmission. This finding By comparing with previous studies, the research on the mechanism of 4, Vol.14, No.1, 1-9 nd dengue fever virus Aedes aegypti, host relationships. as observed between the diversity of depth study of these substances, it is expected that more targeted ideas for future prevention and depth examination of the direct effect of microorganisms on ntly affect the efficiency of dengue virus transmission. This finding In addition, this study highlights that antiviral substances produced by microorganisms may be an important By comparing with previous studies, the research on the mechanism of microbial-dengue