
International Journal of Molecular Ecology and Conservation 2024 Vol.14, No.1, 1-9 http://ecoevopublisher.com/index.php/ijmec 4 4 The Relationship between the Genome Stability of Grassland Plants and the Ecosystem Immunity There is a close correlation between the genome stability of grassland plants and the ecosystem immunity. Plants with strong genome stability help maintain species diversity and ecosystem function, while the complex and diverse ecosystem structure and evolutionary history also have a significant impact on the anti-interference ability of ecosystems. Understanding these correlation relationships helps to better understand the function and stability of grassland ecosystems, providing scientific basis for ecosystem protection and management. 4.1 The impact of genome stability on ecosystems 4.1.1 Genome stability and species diversity There is a close correlation between the genome stability of grassland plants and species diversity within ecosystems (Mo et al., 2019). Species diversity is an important component of ecosystems and is crucial for maintaining their stability and immunity. Research has shown that grassland plants with strong genome stability may have a positive impact on species diversity in ecosystems. Grassland plants with strong genome stability are usually better able to adapt to different niches because they have stronger mechanisms for gene repair and resistance, making them more adaptable to their ecological niches. This means that they can occupy different roles within the ecosystem, provide diverse ecological functions, and thus increase species diversity. Genome stability also has an impact on coexistence and competition among species. In an ecosystem, competition between different species may lead to the exclusion or extinction of certain species, thereby reducing species diversity. However, plants with strong genome stability may be more likely to coexist with other species, reducing competition pressure and contributing to the maintenance of species diversity. Genome stability can also affect the adaptive evolution of species, making it easier for species in ecosystems to cope with environmental changes and disturbances. This further enhances the stability and immunity of species diversity, thereby enhancing the stability of the ecosystem. Poa annua has relatively high genome stability, which means its gene repair and resistance mechanisms are relatively strong. In a diverse grassland ecosystem, Poa annua can survive and reproduce in different niches. It coexists in synergy with other plant species, reducing competition pressure and helping to maintain species diversity. The genome stability of Poa annua also makes it more adaptable to different environmental pressures, such as climate change and soil impoverishment. This enables it to better maintain its growth and reproductive capacity in the face of environmental changes, providing stability for the entire ecosystem. Their existence helps to build complex ecological networks, improves the stability and immunity of ecosystems, and thus has a positive impact on the health and sustainability of the entire ecosystem. 4.1.2 Genome stability and ecosystem function The genome stability of grassland plants also has a profound impact on the functionality of ecosystems. The ecosystem functions include multiple aspects such as material circulation, energy flow, soil fertility maintenance, and water resource protection. The strength of genome stability may directly affect the maintenance and recovery of these functions. Plants with strong genome stability are more likely to resume normal growth and reproduction after interference, thereby helping to maintain energy flow and material circulation in the ecosystem. This is crucial for the long-term stability of ecosystems as it ensures that critical ecological functions are not disrupted by interference (Geng et al., 2019). Genome stability can also affect the ecological niche distribution of plants. Plants with strong genome stability may be more likely to occupy key ecological niches, such as nitrogen fixation and the top of the food chain, thus playing an important role in the functionality of ecosystems. Genomic stability can also affect the adaptability and niche diversity of plants, thereby affecting the ecological functions in ecosystems. For example, some plants with strong genome stability may be more likely to survive and reproduce under drought conditions, thereby maintaining the protective function of water resources.