
International Journal of Molecular Ecology and Conservation 2024 Vol.14, No.1, 1-9 http://ecoevopublisher.com/index.php/ijmec 7 6 Application in Ecosystem Management and Protection The research and application of genome stability have broad potential value for ecosystem management and biodiversity conservation. It provides us with a deeper understanding of the stability and resilience of ecosystems, helping to develop more effective protection and management strategies to maintain the rich biodiversity and ecosystem health on Earth. 6.1 Genome stability and ecosystem restoration The understanding and application of genome stability are crucial for ecosystem restoration. Ecosystem restoration refers to efforts to repair or rebuild ecosystems that have been disturbed or damaged in order to restore their health and function. Genome stability can play multiple roles in ecosystem restoration. Understanding the genome stability of plant species can help ecologists and conservation experts choose plant species suitable for restoration projects. Plants with higher genome stability are more likely to survive and reproduce under harsh conditions, so they are usually more reliable tools for ecosystem restoration (Trivedi et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2021). If it is necessary to restore a wetland ecosystem affected by salinization, selecting plants with adaptability to saline alkali environments, such as Suaeda glauca, can improve the chances of successful restoration. The study of genome stability helps to understand the adaptive evolution of plants during ecosystem restoration. After introducing plant species for restoration, long-term monitoring and genome analysis can reveal how plants adapt to new environments. This helps improve recovery strategies to better support plant survival and reproduction, and ultimately promote the restoration of the entire ecosystem. 6.2 Application of genome stability in natural resource management Genome stability also has potential application value for natural resource management. In forest management, understanding the genome stability of different tree species can help select the most suitable tree species for specific environmental conditions, in order to improve the growth and disease and pest resistance of trees. This contributes to sustainable forest management and the protection of timber resources. In grassland management and animal husbandry, understanding the genome stability of grassland plants can help determine when to graze and when to rest the grassland to maintain its productivity and health. In water resource management, understanding the genome stability of aquatic plants can help manage water quality and restore lake ecosystems. Understanding the genome stability of wetland plants can guide wetland protection and restoration work for wetland and river ecosystems that are resistant to climate change. 6.3 Genome stability and conservation of biodiversity Protecting biodiversity is one of the key goals of global environmental protection today. The study of genome stability can provide new tools and strategies for biodiversity conservation. Understanding the stability of the genome can help identify and protect key species (Morigengaowa et al., 2019). Species with high genome stability play an important role in the stability and function of ecosystems, so protecting these species can have a positive impact on the entire ecosystem. The study of genome stability can reveal genetic exchange and gene flow between different species. This helps us understand how the genetic diversity of species is maintained and how measures are taken to protect it in ecosystems. The application of genome stability can also help manage the spread of invasive and invasive species. Understanding which species have high genome stability can help predict their adaptability and potential invasion risks in new environments. 7 Conclusion and Outlook Genome stability refers to the stable performance of plant genomes against internal and external pressures, while the ecosystem immunity involves their ability to respond to environmental changes and disturbances. Plants with