
International Journal of Molecular Ecology and Conservation 2024 Vol.14, No.1, 1-9 http://ecoevopublisher.com/index.php/ijmec 6 Some plants located in desert ecosystems, such as Opuntia dillenii, has high genome stability. They have adapted to the extreme drought and high temperature conditions of desert environments. By reducing water evaporation, storing water, and resisting physiological and genetic mechanisms such as ultraviolet radiation, these plants can continue to grow and reproduce under harsh conditions, maintaining the stability of desert ecosystems. 5.2 The relationship between genome stability and climate change Climate change is a serious environmental problem currently facing the world, which has a direct impact on grassland ecosystems. There is a close relationship between genome stability and climate change, as grassland plants need to adapt to changing temperatures, precipitation, and seasonal changes. In the context of climate change, plants with higher genome stability may be more likely to adapt to new climate conditions (Snowdon et al., 2021). Some alpine plants, such as Leontopodium japonicum, live in extremely cold and high altitude environments (Figure 2). Their genomic stability enables them to cope with the challenges of rising temperatures and snowlines. These plants may exhibit adaptive evolution, such as developing longer roots to obtain more water, or adjusting flowering time to adapt to temperature changes. Therefore, genome stability helps plants maintain their survival and reproductive ability under climate change conditions. Figure 2 Thin snow grass in a high altitude environment 5.3 Strategies for coping with genome stability and habitat destruction Habitat destruction is another factor that threatens grassland ecosystems, including human activities such as land development, deforestation, and urban expansion. Genome stability plays a crucial role in plant survival and ecosystem restoration in the face of habitat destruction. Some plant species have high genome stability, allowing them to rebuild populations after habitat destruction. For example, willows are a type of plant whose genome stability allows them to reoccupy land through dispersal and reproduction after land destruction. This is crucial for the restoration of ecosystems after habitat destruction, as these plants can quickly establish stable vegetation, maintain soil stability, reduce erosion, and attract other biological communities to return. In addition, some plants with strong genome stability may have the potential for pollution resistance and soil remediation. They can help ecosystems combat pollution and habitat destruction by absorbing harmful substances, degrading pollutants, or improving soil quality. These plants can serve as important tools for ecosystem management and restoration, helping to reduce environmental pressure and improve ecosystem stability.