
International Journal of Molecular Evolution and Biodiversity 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 186-196 http://ecoevopublisher.com/index.php/ijmeb 193 7 Advances and Future Directions 7.1 Technological innovations Recent technological advancements have significantly propelled the field of integrative taxonomy, particularly in algae research. High-throughput sequencing and metabarcoding technologies have revolutionized our understanding of microbial eukaryotes, including algae, by providing detailed insights into their diversity and ecological roles (Zhao et al., 2018). The development of convolutional neural networks, such as the morphology-molecule network (MMNet), has further enhanced species identification by integrating morphological and molecular data, achieving high accuracy across various taxa (Yang et al., 2015). These innovations underscore the importance of combining multiple data sources to improve species delimitation and identification. 7.2 Improving data integration methods The integration of diverse data types - morphological, molecular, ecological, and more—remains a cornerstone of modern taxonomy. However, challenges persist in effectively combining these data. Recent studies have highlighted the need for a more structured approach to data integration, proposing flexible procedures and stopping rules to resolve disagreements among disciplines (Padial et al., 2010). Additionally, the iterative nature of integrative taxonomy, which treats species boundaries as hypotheses to be tested with new evidence, has been suggested as a robust framework for refining species delimitation (Schlick-Steiner et al., 2021). This iterative approach allows for continuous improvement and validation of species hypotheses, ensuring that taxonomic decisions are well-supported by comprehensive evidence. 7.3 Future research priorities Future research in integrative taxonomy should focus on several key areas to further advance the field. First, there is a need to develop and standardize quantitative methods for data integration, moving beyond the current qualitative and comparative approaches (Schlick-Steiner et al., 2021). Second, expanding the use of integrative taxonomy to a broader range of taxa, including those with high morphological plasticity and genetic diversity, will help address the taxonomic impediment and improve species discovery and description (Pante et al., 2015; Darienko et al., 2021). Finally, fostering collaboration among taxonomists, molecular biologists, ecologists, and other specialists will be crucial for the continued evolution of integrative taxonomy, ensuring that it remains a dynamic and interdisciplinary field (Dayrat, 2005; Yang et al., 2022). 8 Concluding Remarks Integrative taxonomy, which combines morphological, molecular, and ecological data, has proven to be a robust framework for species delimitation across various taxa. Studies have demonstrated that this approach can effectively uncover cryptic species and resolve taxonomic ambiguities that traditional methods alone might miss. For instance, the application of integrative taxonomy in photosynthetic sea slugs revealed twenty candidate species within three nominal taxa, highlighting the method’s ability to identify unrecognized diversit. Similarly, in the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus complex, integrative taxonomy successfully addressed mitonuclear discordance and provided a clearer understanding of species boundaries. The approach has also been effective in delineating species in microalgae, where morphological convergence and plasticity often complicate traditional classification. Furthermore, integrative taxonomy has been applied to various other organisms, including insects, mites, and salamanders, consistently demonstrating its utility in resolving complex taxonomic issues. The continued use of integrative taxonomy is crucial for advancing our understanding of biodiversity. By incorporating multiple lines of evidence, this approach provides a more comprehensive and accurate picture of species diversity and evolutionary relationships. It helps bridge the gap between different disciplines, fostering collaboration and enhancing the robustness of taxonomic conclusions. Moreover, integrative taxonomy is essential for addressing the “taxonomy crisis”, where many species remain undescribed or misidentified, potentially leading to their extinction before they are even recognized. The approach also has practical implications for conservation, drug discovery, and ecological studies, as accurately identified species are fundamental to these fields.