
International Journal of Molecular Evolution and Biodiversity 2024, Vol.14, No.4, 174-185 http://ecoevopublisher.com/index.php/ijmeb 180 Figure 1 (a) Hypothesis for the early evolution of Coleoptera (and elytra); Numbers (1–4) indicate crucial steps in the evolution of elytra: (1) elytra distinctly surpassing the abdominal apex, lacking epipleura folded inwards, not tightly fitting with the abdomen, with partially maintained venation and window punctures—e.g. †Tshekardocoleidae; (2) elytra slightly surpassing the abdominal apex, with a parallel arrangement of longitudinal veins—†Permocupedidae; (3) elytra not surpassing the abdominal apex, tightly fitting with the abdomen, forming a secluded sub-elytral space—e.g. †Rhombocoleidae, †Taldycupedidae, all extant beetles (with few secondary exceptions); (4) elytra tightly fitting, without window punctures, smooth or with striae (or other surface patterns). Age estimates of nodes are approximations; (b,c) Reconstruction of postcephalic body of a Lower Permian beetle (†Tshekardocoleidae/†Coleopsis); (b) dorsal view; (c) ventral view (note that window punctures (in red) are present on entire elytral surface). (d,e) Postcephalic body of †Peltosyne triassica Ponomarenko (†Peltosynidae), (d) dorsal view, (e) ventral view. (f, g) Postcephalic body of †Abrhadeocoleodes ooidus Tan, Ren, Shih & Yang (†Schizophoridae), (f) dorsal view, (g) ventral view (elytron slightly extended, displaying schiza). (h,i) details of Tetraphalerus bruchi Heller (Archostemata, Ommatidae): (h) elytral window punctures, (i) entire elytron, epipleuron and inner surface. Abbreviations: elfl: flat lateral elytral flange, epl: infolded epipleura, str: longitudinal elytral striae, sch: schiza (ridge) of internal elytral surface, scl: mesoscutellar shield (locking device), wp: window punctures, af: anal field, t(VIII-V): abdominal tergites, s(VII-III): abdominal sternites (Adopted from Goczał and Beutel, 2023)