
International Journal of Molecular Evolution and Biodiversity 2024, Vol.14, No.3, 120-132 http://ecoevopublisher.com/index.php/ijmeb 129 7 Future Directions in Cassava Phylogenetic Research 7.1 Emerging technologies and techniques The field of cassava phylogenetics stands on the cusp of transformation, driven by emerging technologies and innovative research techniques. Advances in high-throughput sequencing technologies promise to further reduce costs and increase the accessibility of whole-genome sequencing, enabling more comprehensive genomic studies on a wider range of cassava varieties and its wild relatives (Thomson, 2014). Additionally, CRISPR/Cas genome editing offers exciting possibilities for functional genomics in cassava, allowing researchers to directly test the phenotypic effects of genetic variations identified in phylogenetic studies (Odipio et al., 2017). Bioinformatics tools and computational models are also evolving rapidly, providing new ways to analyze complex genomic data and construct more accurate phylogenetic trees (Yu and Reva, 2018). Artificial intelligence and machine learning applications are beginning to play a role in predicting evolutionary patterns and identifying genetic markers linked to important traits (Sekaran and Sudha, 2020). These technologies could greatly enhance our understanding of the genetic basis of cassava’s adaptability and resilience. 7.2 Conservation and sustainable use Conservation of genetic resources is a critical component of sustaining the agricultural potential of cassava. Preserving a wide array of cassava genetic diversity, including its wild relatives, is essential for future breeding efforts, particularly in response to climate change and evolving pest and disease pressures. Conservation strategies should focus on both in-situ conservation of cassava in its natural habitats and ex-situ conservation in gene banks, which safeguard genetic material for future use. Sustainable agricultural practices can be informed and improved by phylogenetic insights, which help identify varieties best suited to particular environments or stressors. These practices not only support the resilience of cassava crops in the face of environmental challenges but also contribute to the overall sustainability of agricultural ecosystems. 7.3 Integration of phylogenetic data with other disciplines Integrating phylogenetic insights with ecological, archaeological, and anthropological studies can provide a more holistic view of cassava’s domestication and its role in human societies over time. For example, Daemo et al. (2023) revealed the interaction between cassava and its environment through ecological research, evaluated cassava genotypes tested in multiple environments, and revealed the significant impact of different growth environments on the performance of cassava genotypes. Archaeological findings can provide historical context that informs phylogenetic analyses, such as the timing and pathways of cassava’s spread. Anthropological research can uncover the cultural practices surrounding cassava cultivation, which may influence the selection pressures and evolutionary trajectories observed genetically. This interdisciplinary approach not only enriches our understanding of cassava’s past but also informs its future use and conservation strategies. 8 Concluding Remarks 8.1 Summary of key points This review has explored the phylogenetic insights into cassava’s domestication, detailing the genetic origins, relationships, and evolutionary trajectories that have shaped this vital crop. Key findings highlight cassava's origin in South America and its adaptation through centuries of cultivation, which has led to the vast genetic diversity observed today. The integration of advanced genomic technologies has shed light on the complex genome of cassava, revealing the impacts of selection pressures and environmental adaptations. We have discussed the significant role of phylogenetic studies in identifying the genetic markers linked to desirable traits such as disease resistance and drought tolerance. These studies are crucial for the ongoing efforts in molecular breeding, aimed at enhancing cassava's yield and resilience. 8.2 Final thoughts Phylogenetic studies of cassava are not merely academic exercises; they are essential undertakings that preserve