
International Journal of Molecular Evolution and Biodiversity 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 62-70 http://ecoevopublisher.com/index.php/ijmeb 64 Figure 2 The distribution of alleles in SSR locus 1.2 Distribution of allele frequencies in two populations By calculating allele frequencies (P=n/22), the study observed inconsistent distribution patterns of allele frequencies between the two populations, revealing significant genetic structure differences. Among the 107 alleles identified at 37 SSR loci, specific alleles on different chromosomes showed varying frequency distribution patterns between the two populations (Figure 3). Fifty-three alleles on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11 exhibited significantly different distribution frequencies between the two populations. Among them, eight key alleles, RM5-4, RM18-2, RM11-2, RM42-2, RM206-2, RM17-3, RM20-1, RM11-1, showed highly dispersed frequency distributions between the two populations. The first seven alleles had very low frequencies in the Sanya population, nearly zero, while their frequencies in the Qionghai population were close to 1.0000. Conversely, RM11-1 had a high frequency (0.9091) in the Sanya population and was undetected in the Qionghai population, indicating clear population specificity. These results reveal significant differences in genetic diversity and genetic structure between the two populations. These differences may be related to geographical isolation, ecological environment differences, or historical genetic drift. By comparing the distribution of allele frequencies, we can gain a deeper understanding of the genetic differences and potential evolutionary processes between the two populations. 1.3 Observed heterozygosity in two populations By analyzing the SSR loci in the two populations, this study obtained detailed data on direct count heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity, and unbiased heterozygosity. The observed, expected, and unbiased heterozygosity at each SSR locus in the Sanya and Qionghai populations exhibited different characteristics. Regarding observed heterozygosity, the SSR loci in the Sanya population ranged from 0.0000 to 1.0000. RM169 was completely homozygous with an observed heterozygosity of 0.0000, while RM5, RM280, and RM293 were completely heterozygous with an observed heterozygosity of 1.0000. Similarly, in the Qionghai population, observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.0000 to 1.0000. RM80 and RM127 were completely homozygous with observed heterozygosity of 0.0000, while RM293, RM185, RM162, RM19, RM202, RM229, RM295, and RM242 were completely heterozygous with observed heterozygosity of 1.0000. In the Sanya population, the range of expected heterozygosity for SSR loci was 0.1653 to 0.7397. In comparison, in the Qionghai population, it ranged from 0.0868 to 0.5000. Additionally, the range of unbiased heterozygosity in the Sanya population was 0.1732 to 0.7749, whereas in the Qionghai population, it ranged from 0.0909 to 0.5584. On average, the observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity, and unbiased heterozygosity in the Sanya population were higher than those in the Qionghai population, being 0.5651, 0.4449, and 0.4661, respectively, compared to 0.4097, 0.2057, and 0.2670 in the Qionghai population. These data reveal high genetic variation in SSR loci in both populations, with the Sanya population showing significantly higher variation than the Qionghai population.