
International Journal of Molecular Evolution and Biodiversity 2024, Vol.14, No.2, 62-70 http://ecoevopublisher.com/index.php/ijmeb 63 Moreover, due to agricultural expansion, urbanization, and climate change, the natural habitats of Hainan wild rice are rapidly shrinking, directly threatening the preservation of the genetic diversity of Hainan wild rice (Singh et al., 2018; Shan and Li, 2023). Therefore, in-depth research on the genetic structure and diversity of different wild rice populations in Hainan is not only crucial for revealing the mechanisms of their adaptive evolution but also provides scientific basis for the conservation and rational utilization of this precious genetic resource. This study employs simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker technology to systematically analyze the wild rice populations in Sanya and Qionghai, Hainan. Given the increasing genetic homogenization of modern rice varieties, research on the genetic differences of wild rice populations holds great potential value for enhancing the genetic diversity, stress resistance, and adaptability of rice. Through this study, we aim to provide new insights into the genetic resources of wild rice in Hainan Island and offer scientific basis for conservation strategies of wild rice in Hainan Island. 1 Results and Analysis 1.1 Allele richness and polymorphism In the genetic diversity study of different wild rice populations, this study utilized 37 pairs of SSR primers located on 12 chromosomes of the rice genome to perform PCR amplification on the genomic DNA of 11 wild rice samples from Sanya and 11 from Qionghai. On average, there were about three pairs of SSR primers per chromosome. Each pair of SSR primers successfully amplified clear and distinguishable DNA bands (Figure 1). Each primer pair corresponds to a specific gene locus on a chromosome. These loci exhibited various characteristics in genetic diversity, mainly reflected in the number of alleles. Figure 1 The result of PCR with RM42 in Sanya and Qionghai common wild rice Note: M: DNA Marker; 1-11: Common wild rice from Sanya; 12-22: Common wild rice from Qionghai The data shows that among these 37 SSR loci, the number of alleles ranged from 2 to 7, with a total of 107 alleles identified, averaging 3 alleles per locus. Specifically, loci with 2 alleles were the most common, with a total of 15 loci, accounting for 40.5405% of the total. This was followed by loci with 3 alleles, totaling 12 loci, making up 32.4324% of the total. Additionally, there were 3 loci with 4 alleles and 5 loci with 5 alleles, accounting for 8.1081% and 13.5135% respectively. Loci with 6 and 7 alleles each had 1 occurrence, representing only 2.7027% each (Figure 2). From the perspective of genetic analysis, the distribution of allele numbers reflects the differences in genetic diversity at different gene loci. A higher number of alleles indicates greater genetic diversity. By analyzing allelic richness, we can better understand the current state of genetic diversity within the rice genome and the genetic structure within rice populations. By assessing the polymorphism of SSR loci in the two populations, this study found that the polymorphism rate of SSR loci in the Sanya population reached 91.8919%, while the polymorphism rate in the Qionghai population was 81.0811%. These data indicate that the genetic variation level in the Sanya population is higher than that in the Qionghai population.