
International Journal of Molecular Evolution and Biodiversity 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 43-51 http://ecoevopublisher.com/index.php/ijmeb 46 2.1 Types and mechanisms of soil erosion Soil erosion can occur through different mechanisms, including hydraulic erosion, wind erosion, and gravity erosion. Hydraulic erosion is the removal of soil by water runoff, which can be exacerbated by the intensive mechanization of sugarcane production, leading to soil compaction and reduced water infiltration (Cherubin et al., 2016). Wind erosion refers to the transport of soil particles by wind, which can be significant in areas with reduced vegetation cover due to sugarcane fields. Gravity erosion, or mass wasting, involves the downward movement of soil and rock under the influence of gravity, which can occur on sloped lands where sugarcane is cultivated. 2.2 Factors that exacerbate soil erosion during sugarcane cultivation Several factors contribute to the exacerbation of soil erosion in sugarcane cultivation. Cultivation methods, such as the intensive mechanization mentioned earlier, can lead to soil compaction and structural degradation, increasing the risk of erosion (Cherubin et al., 2016). The frequency of tillage operations, especially during replanting, can have a short-term positive effect on soil physical quality but may decrease the resistance to erosion over time (Cherubin et al., 2016). Reduced vegetation cover, particularly when sugarcane residue is removed or burned, leaves the soil surface exposed and more susceptible to erosion (Bengtson et al., 2006). Rainfall intensity and frequency also play a critical role, as heavy and frequent rains can lead to increased runoff and soil loss (Gallo et al., 2022). The factors that exacerbate soil erosion during sugarcane cultivation mainly include cultivation activities, rainfall erosion rate, and the properties of the soil itself. Gallo et al. (2022) analyzed multi temporal satellite images from 2008 to 2017 and the SYSI dataset, and found that different tillage management strategies (such as planting, harvesting, and straw treatment) and straw coverage (0%~100%) significantly affected soil erosion rate. Especially the frequent rainfall during the rainy season and the bare soil period during sugarcane cultivation are more likely to lead to intensified soil erosion. Through soil sampling and radar data collection, researchers further quantified the impact of these factors on soil erosion losses and explored restoration and remediation strategies to reduce soil erosion and adapt to the impacts of climate change. 2.3 Impact of soil erosion on sugarcane yield and quality Soil erosion has direct and indirect impacts on sugarcane yield and quality. Poor root development can occur due to the loss of the upper soil layer, which is often the most fertile and rich in organic matter (Bordonal et al., 2018). Hindered nutrient absorption is another consequence, as essential nutrients are washed away with the eroded soil (Bengtson et al., 2006). An insufficient water supply can result from reduced soil water storage capacity and hydraulic conductivity, leading to drought stress in the sugarcane plants (Cherubin et al., 2016). These factors collectively contribute to a decrease in both the quantity and quality of the sugarcane yield. 3 Prevention and control strategies for soil degradation and erosion in sugarcane cultivation 3.1 Rotation and fallow system The rotation and fallow system in sugarcane cultivation plays a critical role in maintaining soil fertility and structure. Crop rotation, involving the alternation of sugarcane with other crops, and the implementation of fallow periods, where land is left unplanted, can significantly impact soil health. The length and purpose of the fallow period are tailored to allow for the recovery of soil properties and to disrupt pest and disease cycles. Studies have shown that land-use change from native vegetation to pasture and subsequently to sugarcane can lead to soil compaction, reduced aeration porosity, and decreased water hydraulic conductivity, ultimately resulting in an unbalanced ratio between water- and air-filled pore space in the soil (Cherubin et al., 2016). Therefore, incorporating rotation and fallow periods can mitigate these effects by enhancing soil organic matter and minimizing compaction, thus preventing further soil physical quality degradation (Cherubin et al., 2016). 3.2 Soil management measures Improvement of cultivation methods is essential for the sustainable management of sugarcane soils. The adoption of non-burning sugarcane harvesting techniques has been identified as a win-win strategy due to its agronomic and environmental benefits, including the preservation of soil organic matter (Bordonal et al., 2018).