
International Journal of Molecular Evolution and Biodiversity 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 34-42 http://ecoevopublisher.com/index.php/ijmeb 39 Figure 3 Researchers discover a new gene for Tibetan adaptation to high altitude (photo credit: China News Network) People living in the highlands of Ethiopia also face challenges from high-altitude environments. Research has shown that some genes in these residents, such as PPARA and CYP1A2, exhibit genetic variations related to high-altitude adaptation. The variations in these genes may be related to the physiological processes of energy metabolism and tolerance to hypoxic environments. In these cases, the population demonstrated adaptability to high-altitude environments through genetic mutations. The EPAS1 gene mutation in the Tibetan population is closely related to oxygen transmission and cardiovascular adaptability, providing them with advantages for survival in high-altitude areas. The HIF-1A and NOS2 gene mutations in Andean people are also believed to be adaptive changes in response to hypoxic environments. The PPARA and CYP1A2 gene mutations in Ethiopian highland residents may be related to energy metabolism and oxygen utilization in high-altitude areas. The accumulation of these genetic variations may be the result of prolonged exposure to high-altitude environments, providing an advantage for these populations when facing extreme environments such as low oxygen and low temperatures. By deeply studying the functional mechanisms of these gene variations, we can better understand the adaptive evolution process of humans in high-altitude environments, providing new research directions for fields such as medicine and biology. 4 The Relationship between High Altitude Adaptation and Health The special environmental conditions in high-altitude ecosystems have a profound impact on humans, and the relationship between high-altitude adaptability and health has become one of the research focuses. In high-altitude environments, the human body has undergone long-term evolution and developed a series of physiological and genetic changes, which to some extent shape an individual’s health status. 4.1 How high altitude adaptation affects health and diseases In high-altitude ecosystems, humans adapt more to conditions such as low oxygen and low temperature through various physiological and genetic adaptation mechanisms. Adaptive adjustment may have a significant impact on the cardiovascular system. Due to the decrease in oxygen content in high-altitude environments, the human body needs a higher hemoglobin concentration to ensure sufficient oxygen supply. This adjustment may lead to more efficient transportation of oxygen by the cardiovascular system, but it may also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (Mallet et al., 2021).