
International Journal of Molecular Evolution and Biodiversity 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 26-33 http://ecoevopublisher.com/index.php/ijmeb 29 scarce plant resources. This selective constraint difference leads to adaptive differences in life history strategies, behaviors, and physiological characteristics between the two. Figure 1 Selective constraints of wild zebra and wildebeest The differential pattern of selective constraints is also evident in carnivores. There are significant differences in predatory strategies between raptors and carnivorous mammals in different ecological niches. Raptors such as eagle birds often appear in open grasslands or mountainous ecological niches, requiring fast flight and sharp vision to capture fast-moving prey. In contrast, ground predators such as leopards live in dense forest niches, and selective constraints have relatively low visual requirements, but higher requirements for muscle strength and strategies for quietly approaching prey. 3.2 Case study on selective constraints based on different ecological niches How selective constraints in different niches affect the evolution and adaptation of species. Sparrows are a type of bird widely distributed in urban and rural areas, which experience different selective constraints in these two different ecological niches, leading to differences in evolutionary adaptation (Zhang et al., 2018). In urban environments, sparrows face high levels of artificial light pollution and noise pollution. To adapt to these challenges, sparrows in cities often have shorter wingspans, which makes them more flexible in flying between urban buildings to obtain food and avoid danger (Figure 2). Figure 2 The birds in the cities have a shorter wingspan The singing frequency of sparrows in the city has also changed to avoid interference with urban noise. In contrast, the selective constraints faced by sparrows in rural areas mainly come from food availability and predator pressure. This leads to differences in dietary habits among rural sparrows, who are more focused on feeding on insects and