
International Journal of Molecular Evolution and Biodiversity 2024, Vol.14, No.1, 18-25 http://ecoevopublisher.com/index.php/ijmeb 22 ecosystems, and their survival is crucial for maintaining the balance of alpine ecosystems and the stability of global ecosystems. 4.1 Relationship between genetic diversity and adaptability There is a close relationship between the adaptability of alpine plants and their genetic diversity. Genetic diversity provides genetic resources for alpine plants to adapt to new environmental conditions. In the context of global warming, temperature rise, changes in precipitation patterns, and other climate change factors have posed challenges to alpine ecosystems. A population with rich genetic diversity is more likely to adapt to these changes. The adaptability of alpine plants can be reflected in multiple aspects, including growth rate, flowering time, tolerance, stress resistance, etc. Species with diverse genotypes are more likely to maintain successful reproduction under new climate conditions, as some individuals may already possess adaptive characteristics. Genetic diversity can also provide species flexibility, making it easier to adapt to constantly changing environmental conditions. Rhododendron nivale is a plant that grows in high mountain areas such as the the Himalayas. Research has found that as global temperatures rise and snow lines rise, the habitat of alpine rhododendrons is squeezed. However, due to the high genetic diversity of alpine rhododendrons, some individuals exhibit adaptive characteristics to higher temperatures and reduced snowfall, such as earlier flowering times and shorter growth forms. These individuals are more likely to survive and reproduce under new climate conditions, while those lacking adaptive characteristics may face survival challenges. 4.2 Changes in intraspecific and interspecific adaptability Global warming has triggered changes in intra species and inter species adaptability of alpine plants. Intraspecific adaptive change refers to the adaptive differences between different individuals or subpopulations within the same species. In environments with elevated temperatures, intra species adaptability differences may lead to some individuals being more adaptable to new climate conditions, while others may not be able to adapt, which will affect the maintenance of genetic diversity. Interspecific adaptive change refers to the adaptive differences between different alpine plant species. Global warming may lead to changes in the distribution range of alpine plants, and different species may begin to share habitats or compete for the same resources. This may trigger new ecological interactions and competition, posing challenges to the adaptability of species. Some species may be threatened due to a lack of adaptive features, while others may benefit from adaptive features. Taking the European Alps as an example, Salix retusa is a typical alpine herbaceous plant that typically grows in high-altitude areas of the European Alps. It adapts to extreme mountain environments and grows in cold, high-altitude, and snowy areas. Alpine spruce (Pinus cembra) is a type of subalpine tree commonly found in lower altitude areas of the Alps, but its distribution range may expand upwards as temperatures rise (Figure 2). This means that Alpine spruce may begin to enter the habitat of Alpine weeping willows. Alpine weeping willows may face competitive pressure from Alpine spruces as they grow faster, form a wider canopy, block sunlight, and reduce soil moisture. This may lead to suppression of the survival and reproduction of Alpine weeping willows. On the other hand, this change may also trigger new complementary relationships. Alpine weeping willows may benefit from the shade provided by trees, especially in cases of rising temperatures, where their canopies can provide shade and alleviate heat stress. In addition, the canopy of trees can capture precipitation and provide water for the surrounding vegetation. The changes in inter species adaptability will determine which species can adapt in new competitive relationships. 4.3 Potential ecological and genetic risks Global warming also brings potential ecological and genetic risks, which pose a threat to the adaptability of alpine plant species. One of the risks is a change in ecological niche. As temperatures rise, the distribution range of alpine plants may migrate upwards, leading to niche recombination in alpine ecosystems (Walther et al., 2005).