
Triticeae Genomics and Genetics, 2024, Vol.15, No.4, 173-184 178 5 Modern Distribution and Cultivation 5.1 Global production and economic importance Triticeae crops, particularly wheat (Triticumspp.) and barley (Hordeumspp.), have expanded from their origins in the Fertile Crescent to become globally significant crops. Bread wheat, for instance, has adapted to diverse environments worldwide, thanks to genetic introgression from wild populations, which has increased its genetic diversity and facilitated its adaptation to various climates (Zhou et al., 2020). Durum wheat, another important Triticeae crop, is cultivated across a wide range of international agroenvironments, with significant genotype and environment interactions influencing its yield and stability (Bassi and Sanchez-Garcia, 2017). The economic importance of these crops is underscored by their role in food security and their extensive use in food, beverages, and animal feed (Hensel, 2019). 5.2 Regional cultivation practices Regional cultivation practices for Triticeae crops vary significantly based on local environmental conditions and agricultural traditions. In the Southern Great Plains of the United States, triticale, a hybrid of wheat and rye, is cultivated for both grain and forage production, benefiting from its adaptability to less favorable environments and its potential to improve soil health as a cover crop (Ayalew et al., 2018). In the Gansu–Qinghai region of Northwest China, the spread of barley and wheat during the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age transformed local millet agriculture, with these crops being primarily cultivated along rivers and at specific altitudes with suitable climatic conditions (Ma et al., 2020). Additionally, the adaptation of wheat to different environmental conditions has been facilitated by the expansion and functional diversification of MIKC-type MADS-box genes, which play crucial roles in plant development and stress responses (Schilling et al., 2019). 5.3 Challenges in modern agriculture Modern agriculture faces numerous challenges in the cultivation of Triticeae crops, particularly wheat. Climate change is a significant threat. A study by Pequeno et al. (2021) simulated wheat yield changes under the 2050 RCP 8.5 scenario using three crop simulation models (CROPSIM-CERES-wheat, CROPSIM, and Nwheat) and five global climate models. The results indicated that climate change would significantly reduce wheat yields in Africa and South Asia, with declines of 15% and 16%, respectively (Figure 2). However, the introduction of crop genetic traits (CGTs) significantly mitigated these yield losses, with some regions even experiencing yield increases. Additionally, the application of extra nitrogen fertilizers led to widespread increases in wheat yields globally. This study demonstrates that genetic improvement and optimized fertilization strategies can effectively counteract the adverse impacts of climate change on wheat yields, thereby significantly enhancing wheat production and ensuring food security. Additionally, the use of biotechnological methods, including CRISPR/Cas technology, for genetic modification of Triticeae cereals offers potential solutions for enhancing disease resistance, improving water and nitrogen use efficiency, and developing varieties suited for drought or saline soils (Hensel, 2019). However, the successful implementation of these strategies requires coordinated international efforts and region-specific approaches to address the specific challenges faced by different regions (Bassi and Sanchez-Garcia, 2017; Pequeno et al., 2021). 6 Technological Advances in Crop Improvement 6.1 Genetic transformation and biotechnology Genetic transformation has been a cornerstone in the advancement of Triticeae crops, including wheat, barley, rye, and triticale. Over the past three decades, significant progress has been made in developing stable transgenic lines, which are crucial for both functional genomics and precise crop engineering (Kumlehn and Hensel, 2009; Hensel, 2019). These advancements have enabled the introduction of traits that are difficult or impossible to achieve through conventional breeding, such as resistance to viral and fungal diseases, improved water and nitrogen use efficiency, and the ability to grow in dry or salty conditions (Hensel, 2019). Despite these successes, challenges remain, particularly in the transformation and regeneration of certain crop genotypes that are recalcitrant to established tissue culture methods (Anjanappa and Gruissem, 2021). Innovations such as the use of