
Triticeae Genomics and Genetics, 2024, Vol.15, No.4, 185-195 191 Moreover, the genetic architecture of quantitative traits involves not only the main effects of individual QTLs but also their epistatic interactions, where the effect of one gene is modified by one or several other genes. This adds another layer of complexity to the genetic analysis. For example, Bayesian models have been developed to identify multiple QTLs with complex epistatic patterns, demonstrating the need for sophisticated statistical tools to handle the vast number of potential genetic effects (Yi et al., 2003). These models must account for the number, positions, and genetic effects of QTLs, which is a daunting task given the high dimensionality of the data. 5.2 Accuracy and precision in QTL mapping The accuracy and precision of QTL mapping are critical for the successful identification of genes associated with quantitative traits. However, several factors can affect these parameters. One major issue is the resolution of the mapping process. High-resolution recombination or linkage disequilibrium mapping is required to narrow down the genomic intervals containing the QTLs and to nominate candidate genes (Mackay, 2001). This process is often hampered by the limited number of recombination events in the mapping populations, which can result in large confidence intervals for the QTL positions. Additionally, the statistical power to detect QTLs and the precision of parameter estimation can be improved by using multiple trait analysis. This approach takes into account the correlated structure of multiple traits, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the genetic basis of the traits (Jiang et al., 1995). However, this method also requires sophisticated statistical models and computational tools, which may not be readily available or easy to implement. Another challenge is the potential for false positives and false negatives in QTL mapping. The presence of multiple testing issues and the need for stringent significance thresholds can lead to the exclusion of true QTLs or the inclusion of spurious ones. This necessitates the use of robust statistical methods and validation through independent populations or environments to ensure the reliability of the identified QTLs (Lephuthing et al., 2022). 5.3 Translational challenges Translating the findings from QTL mapping into practical applications in breeding and genetics is fraught with challenges. One of the primary issues is the difficulty in matching the identified QTLs to specific genetic loci and understanding their functional roles. This requires not only high-resolution mapping but also functional validation through genetic and/or functional complementation and gene expression analyses (Mackay, 2001). The process is time-consuming and resource-intensive, often requiring the integration of various types of data and experimental approaches. Furthermore, the genetic architecture of quantitative traits can vary significantly across different populations and environments. This variability can complicate the transfer of QTL information from one context to another. For example, QTLs identified in one population may not be relevant or may have different effects in another population due to differences in genetic background and environmental conditions (Jansen et al., 2003). This necessitates the validation and fine-tuning of QTLs in multiple populations and environments to ensure their utility in breeding programs. Another translational challenge is the integration of QTL information into breeding programs. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) and genomic selection (GS) are powerful tools for incorporating QTL information into breeding decisions. However, the implementation of these techniques requires a thorough understanding of the genetic architecture of the traits, the availability of reliable markers, and the development of appropriate breeding strategies (Shariatipour et al., 2021). The complexity of quantitative traits and the need for high-throughput genotyping and phenotyping platforms can pose significant logistical and financial barriers to the widespread adoption of these technologies. In summary, while QTL analysis holds great promise for advancing our understanding of the genetic basis of quantitative traits and improving breeding programs, several challenges and limitations must be addressed. These include the complexity of the traits, the accuracy and precision of QTL mapping, and the translational challenges