
Triticeae Genomics and Genetics, 2024, Vol.15, No.4, 185-195 187 Another modern approach is the use of joint analysis of multiple traits, which takes into account the correlated structure of traits to improve the statistical power and precision of QTL detection. This method allows for the testing of biologically interesting hypotheses, such as pleiotropy versus close linkage, and can provide insights into the genetic correlations between different traits (Jiang and Zeng, 1995). Meta-QTL analysis is another powerful tool that integrates results from multiple QTL studies to identify stable and reliable QTLs. This approach reduces the confidence intervals of QTLs, making it easier to pinpoint candidate genes. For example, a meta-analysis in wheat condensed 735 QTLs into 100 meta-QTLs, significantly narrowing down the genomic regions of interest (Shariatipour et al., 2021). 2.3 Technological innovations in QTL analysis Technological innovations have revolutionized QTL analysis, making it faster, more accurate, and more comprehensive. One such innovation is QTL-seq, which combines bulked segregant analysis with whole-genome resequencing. This method involves sequencing the DNA of two groups of individuals with extreme phenotypes and identifying QTLs based on the differences in allele frequencies between the groups. QTL-seq has been successfully applied in rice to rapidly identify QTLs for traits like disease resistance and seedling vigor (Takagi et al., 2013). Another significant technological advancement is the use of high-density genetic maps and next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. These tools provide high-resolution mapping and enable the identification of QTLs at a subcentimorgan scale. For instance, fine mapping using selected overlapping recombinant chromosomes has been employed in tomato to map QTLs to very small intervals, facilitating the identification of candidate genes (Paterson et al., 1990). The development of software tools and statistical models has also played a crucial role in advancing QTL analysis. Software packages like R/qtl allow researchers to perform multiple QTL mapping and other complex analyses with ease (Powder, 2020). Additionally, new methods for QTL validation, such as the use of near-isogenic lines (NILs) and intercross recombinant inbred lines, have improved the accuracy and reliability of QTL studies (Singh and Singh, 2015). The field of QTL analysis has seen significant methodological advances, from traditional mapping techniques to modern approaches and technological innovations. These advancements have enhanced our ability to dissect complex traits, identify candidate genes, and apply this knowledge to breeding programs for crop improvement. The integration of high-resolution mapping, multiparental populations, and advanced statistical models continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in QTL analysis, offering new opportunities for genetic research and practical applications in agriculture. 3QTLs inTriticeae: Case Studies and Applications 3.1 QTL mapping in wheat (Triticum aestivum) Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) mapping in wheat has been instrumental in identifying genomic regions associated with key agronomic traits, which are crucial for improving yield and stress tolerance. For instance, a comprehensive global QTL analysis identified stable loci for yield-related traits on chromosomes 4A and 4B in the Nongda3338/Jingdong6 doubled haploid population. This study revealed significant trade-offs between thousand grain weight (TGW) and grain number per spike (GNS) on chromosome 4A, and identified a novel QTL for heat susceptibility index of TGW on chromosome 4BL, which explains approximately 10% of phenotypic variation (Börner et al., 2002). Another study conducted a meta-analysis of 735 QTLs from 27 independent mapping populations, consolidating them into 100 meta-QTLs (MQTLs) distributed across wheat chromosomes. This analysis highlighted the co-localization of QTLs for grain yield (GY) and grain protein content (GPC), with significant overlaps found on chromosomes 2A, 3B, and 4D. The study also identified candidate genes within these MQTLs, providing insights into the genetic mechanisms driving quantitative variation for these traits (Figure 2) (Shariatipour et al., 2021).