
2.1 Historical background and classification syste 9
2.2 Current taxonomic classification and key speci 9
2.3 Challenges and controversies in Triticeae taxo 11
3 Wild Species of Triticeae 11
3.1 Overview of wild Triticeae species 11
3.2 Ecological roles and natural habitats 12
3.3 Genetic diversity and evolutionary significanc 12
4 Cultivated Species of Triticeae 12
4.1 Major cultivated species 12
4.2 Domestication history and agronomic traits 12
4.3 Genetic diversity within cultivated species 12
5 Genetic Resources and Conservation 13
5.1 Importance of conserving triticeae genetic res 13
5.2 Ex situ and in situ conservation strategies 13
5.3 Role of gene banks and international collabora 14
6 Genetic Improvement and Breeding 14
6.1 Traditional breeding methods in Triticeae 14
6.2 Modern genetic tools and biotechnological appr 14
6.3 Case studies of successful genetic improvement 14
7 Challenges in Triticeae Genetic Research 15
7.1 Genetic complexity and genome organization 15
7.2 Abiotic and biotic stress resistance 15
7.3 Socio-economic and policy-related challenges 15
8 Future Directions and Research Priorities 15
8.1. Emerging trends and technologies in Triticeae 15
8.2 Integration of genomic and phenotypic data 16
8.3 Collaborative efforts and funding opportunitie 16
2 Overview of Exotic Germplasm 36
2.1 Definition and sources of exotic germplasm 36
2.2 Historical use of exotic germplasm in wheat br 36
2.3 Key characteristics of exotic germplasm 37
3 Genetic Diversity in Exotic Germplasm 37
3.1 Assessment of genetic diversity 37
3.2 Comparison with domestic germplasm 37
4 Utilization of Exotic Germplasm in Wheat Breedin 38
4.1 Successful case studies 38
4.2 Breeding strategies 38
4.3 Genomic tools and techniques 39
5 Challenges and Solutions 40
5.1 Barriers to the use of exotic germplasm 40
5.2 Strategies to overcome challenges 40
6 Future Prospects and Research Directions 40
6.1 Emerging trends in germplasm utilization 40
6.2 Potential of synthetic wheats 40
6.3 Integrating exotic germplasm into modern breed 41
7 Concluding Remarks 41