
Triticeae Genomics and Genetics, 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 152-161 159 adaptive traits through genome-wide analyses and exome sequencing further enhances our understanding of the genetic basis of important agronomic traits, facilitating the development of wheat varieties with improved drought tolerance, heat stress adaptation, and overall resilience. The strategic integration of exotic germplasm into breeding programs not only increases genetic diversity but also uncovers hidden variations that can be harnessed to optimize complex traits like photosynthetic capacity. Future research should focus on several key areas to further harness genetic diversity for wheat improvement. First, expanding the use of advanced genomic tools and techniques, such as ND-FISH, haplotype-based approaches, and genome-wide association studies (GWAS), will be crucial for identifying and exploiting novel genetic variations. Second, continued efforts to introgress genomes from wild relatives and exotic germplasm into elite wheat varieties should be prioritized, with a focus on enhancing traits related to stress tolerance, yield, and adaptability. Third, the development and utilization of NAM populations and other genetic resources should be expanded to facilitate the dissection of complex traits and the incorporation of diverse genetic material into breeding programs. Fourth, integrating diverse data types, including genomic, epigenetic, and phenomic data, will be essential for leveraging big data approaches and machine learning to gain deeper insights into trait biology and improve breeding efficiency. Finally, collaborative efforts among researchers, breeders, and policymakers will be necessary to ensure the successful translation of these scientific advancements into practical applications that address global food security challenges and promote sustainable agriculture. Acknowledgments The author extends sincere thanks to two anonymous peer reviewers for their feedback on the manuscript of this study. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Aberkane H., Payne T., Kishi M., Smale M., Amri A., and Jamora N., 2020, Transferring diversity of goat grass to farmers’ fields through the development of synthetic hexaploid wheat, Food Security, 12: 1017-1033. Afzal F., Li H., Gul A., Subhani A., Ali A., Mujeeb-Kazi A., Ogbonnaya F., Trethowan R., Xia X., He Z., and Rasheed A., 2019, Genome-wide analyses reveal footprints of divergent selection and drought adaptive traits in synthetic-derived wheats, G3: Genes Genomes Genetics, 9: 1957-1973. PMid:31018942 PMCid:PMC6553533 Balla M., Gorafi Y., Kamal N., Abdalla M., Tahir I., and Tsujimoto H., 2022, Exploiting wild emmer wheat diversity to improve wheat a and b genomes in breeding for heat stress adaptation, Frontiers in Plant Science, 13: 895742. PMid:35937332 PMCid:PMC9355596 Brinton J., Ramírez-González R., Simmonds J., Wingen L., Orford S., Griffiths S., Haberer G., Spannagl M., Walkowiak S., Pozniak C., and Uauy C., 2020, A haplotype-led approach to increase the precision of wheat breeding, Communications Biology, 3: 712. PMid:33239669 PMCid:PMC7689427 Cheng S., Feng C., Wingen L., Cheng H., Riche A., Jiang M., Leverington-Waite M., Huang Z., Collier S., Orford S., Wang X., Awal R., Barker G., O’Hara T., Lister C., Siluveru A., Quiroz-Chávez J., Ramírez-González R., Bryant R., Berry S., Bansal U., Bariana H., Bennett M., Bicego B., Bilham L., Brown J., Burridge A., Burt C., Buurman M., Castle M., Chartrain L., Chen B., Denbel W., Elkot A., Fenwick P., Feuerhelm D., Foulkes J., Gaju O., Gauley A., Gaurav K., Hafeez A., Han R., Horler R., Hou J., Iqbal M., Kerton M., Kondic-Spica A., Kowalski A., Lage J., Li X., Liu H., Liu S., Lovegrove A., Ma L., Mumford C., Parmar S., Philp C., Playford D., Przewieslik-Allen A., Sarfraz Z., Schafer D., Shewry P., Shi Y., Slafer G., Song B., Song B., Steele D., Steuernagel B., Tailby P., Tyrrell S., Waheed A., Wamalwa M., Wang X., Wei Y., Winfield M., Wu S., Wu Y., Wulff B., Xian W., XumY., Xu Y., Yuan Q., Zhang X., Edwards K., Dixon L., Nicholson P., Chayut N., Hawkesford M., Uauy C., Sanders D., Huang S., and Griffiths S., 2023, Harnessing landrace diversity empowers wheat breeding for climate resilience, BioRxiv, 2023-10. Ceoloni C., Kuzmanović L., Ruggeri R., Rossini F., Forte P., Cuccurullo A., and Bitti A., 2017, Harnessing genetic diversity of wild gene pools to enhance wheat crop production and sustainability: challenges and opportunities, Diversity, 9: 55.