
Triticeae Genomics and Genetics, 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 137-151 148 desirable traits, thereby enhancing the efficiency of breeding programs. Moreover, the construction of consensus maps from multiple populations enhances the genome coverage and marker density, providing a more comprehensive genetic framework for wheat improvement. These maps enable the systematic comparison and clustering of QTL, aiding in the discovery of novel genes and the development of functional markers for breeding. In conclusion, high-density genetic mapping has revolutionized wheat research and breeding by providing detailed insights into the genetic basis of important traits and by offering powerful tools for the development of superior wheat varieties. The continued integration of these methodologies with advanced genomic technologies promises to further accelerate genetic gains and ensure the sustainability of wheat production in the face of global challenges. Acknowledgments We thank the two peer reviewers for their professional evaluations for enhancing the paper. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Appels R., Eversole K., Stein N., et al., 2018. Shifting the limits in wheat research and breeding using a fully annotated reference genome, Science, 361: 6403. Borrill P., Harrington S., and Uauy C., 2018, Applying the latest advances in genomics and phenomics for trait discovery in polyploid wheat, The Plant Journal, 97: 56-72. PMid:30407665 PMCid:PMC6378701 Dhariwal R., Henríquez M., Hiebert C., McCartney C., and Randhawa H., 2020, Mapping of major fusarium head blight resistance from canadian wheat cv., AAC Tenacious. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(12): 4497. PMid:32599868 PMCid:PMC7350018 Gardiner L., Joynson R., and Hall A., 2019, Next-generation sequencing enabled genetics in hexaploid wheat, Applications of Genetic and Genomic Research in Cereals, 2019: 49-63. PMid:30693995 Guo Y., Zhang G., Guo B., Qu C., Zhang M., Kong F., Zhao Y., and Li S., 2020, QTL mapping for quality traits using a high-density genetic map of wheat, PLoS ONE, 15(3): e0230601. PMid:32208463 PMCid:PMC7092975 Gutierrez-Gonzalez J., Mascher M., Poland J., and Muehlbauer G., 2019, Dense genotyping-by-sequencing linkage maps of two Synthetic W7984×Opata reference populations provide insights into wheat structural diversity, Scientific Reports, 9: 1793. PMid:30741967 PMCid:PMC6370774 Hegde K.N., and Srivastava A., 2022, Drosophila melanogaster as a tool for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis research, Journal of Developmental Biology, 10(3): 36. PMid:36135369 PMCid:PMC9505035 Hu W., Gao D., Wu H., Liu J., Zhang C., Wang J., Jiang Z., Liu Y., Li D., Zhang Y., and Lu C., 2020, Genome-wide association mapping revealed syntenic loci QFhb-4AL and QFhb-5DL for Fusarium head blight resistance in common wheat (Triticum aestivumL.), BMC Plant Biology, 20: 29. PMid:31959107 PMCid:PMC6971946 Hussain W., Baenziger P., Belamkar V., Guttieri M., Venegas J., Easterly A., Sallam A., and Poland J., 2017, Genotyping-by-sequencing derived high-density linkage map and its application to QTL mapping of flag leaf traits in bread wheat, Scientific Reports, 7: 16394. PMid:29180623 PMCid:PMC5703991 Iehisa J., Ohno R., Kimura T., Enoki H., Nishimura S., Okamoto Y., Nasuda S., and Takumi S., 2014. A high-density genetic map with array-based markers facilitates structural and quantitative trait locus analyses of the common wheat genome, DNA Research: An International Journal for Rapid Publication of Reports on Genes and Genomes, 21: 555-567. PMid:24972598 PMCid:PMC4195500