
Triticeae Genomics and Genetics, 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 125-136 134 stability and sustainability of agricultural production. For policymakers, emphasizing the importance of genetic resource protection and adopting appropriate strategies for their conservation and management is crucial to ensure their sustainable utilization. Despite significant progress in Triticeae taxonomy and genetic resource research, further exploration is still needed. Therefore, future researchers can continue to delve into the genetic characteristics and evolutionary mechanisms of Triticeae, discovering more valuable genetic resources. At the same time, governments and various sectors of society should also strengthen the protection and management of genetic resources to ensure their sustainable utilization. Through global cooperation and joint efforts, it is expected to make greater contributions to the development of global agricultural production and the maintenance of food security. Acknowledgments Heartfelt thanks to the peer reviewers for their invaluable feedback on the initial draft of this manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Barkworth M., Cutler D., Rollo J., Jacobs S., and Rashid A., 2009, Morphological identification of genomic genera in the Triticeae, Breeding Science, 59: 561-570. Blake V., Birkett C., Matthews D., Hane D., Bradbury P., and Jannink J., 2016, The Triticeae toolbox: combining phenotype and genotype data to advance small‐grains breeding, The Plant Genome, 9(2): 0099. PMid:27898834 Bushman B., Larson S., Mott I., Cliften P., Wang R., Chatterton N., Hernandez A., Ali S., Kim R., Thimmapuram J., Gong G., Liu L., and Mikel M., 2008, Development and annotation of perennial Triticeae ESTs and SSR markers, Genome, 51(10): 779-788. PMid:18923529 Bothmer R., Seberg O., and Jacobsen N., 2008, Genetic resources in the Triticeae, Hereditas, 116: 141-150. Chen Y., Song W., Xie X., Wang Z., Guan P., Peng H., Jiao Y., Ni Z., Sun Q., and Guo W., 2020, A Collinearity-incorporating homology inference strategy for connecting emerging assemblies in Triticeae tribe as a pilot practice in the plant pangenomic era, Molecular plant, 13(12): 1694-1708. PMid:32979565 Feuillet C., Langridge P., and Waugh R., 2008, Cereal breeding takes a walk on the wild side, Trends in genetics: TIG, 24(1): 24-32. PMid:18054117 Guzzon F., and Ardenghi N., 2018, Could taxonomic misnaming threaten the ex situ conservation and the usage of plant genetic resources? Biodiversity and Conservation, 27: 1157-1172. Greene S., Kisha T., Yu L., and Parra‐Quijano M., 2014, Conserving Plants in Gene Banks and Nature: Investigating Complementarity with Trifolium thompsonii Morton, PLoS ONE, 9(8): e105145. PMid:25121602 PMCid:PMC4133347 Hovhannisyan N., Dulloo M., Yesayan A., Knüpffer H., and Amri A., 2018, Tracking of powdery mildew and leaf rust resistance genes in Triticum boeoticum and T. urartu, wild relatives of common wheat, Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 47: 45-57. Hyun D., Sebastin R., Lee K., Lee G., Shin M., Kim S., Lee J., and Cho G., 2020, Genotyping-by-sequencing derived single nucleotide polymorphisms provide the first well-resolved phylogeny for the genus Triticum(Poaceae), Frontiers in Plant Science, 11: 688. PMid:32625218 PMCid:PMC7311657 Kawahara T., 2009, Molecular phylogeny among Triticum-Aegilops species and of the tribe Triticeae, Breeding Science, 59: 499-504.