
Triticeae Genomics and Genetics, 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 111-120 118 Figure 3 Graphical summary of the most important achievements in the field of genetic engineering in Triticeae cereals (Adopted from Hensel, 2019) Image caption: After establishing the transformation technology by biolistic or Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer, the most important discoveries with heritable modifications were presented. The use of cereal grains for molecular farming, the host-induced gene silencing (HIGS) mechanism, which confers resistance to fungal pathogens, the establishment of site-directed mutagenesis using transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALEN) or clustered, regularly interspaced palindromic repeats (CRISPR) and the increase of yield and photosynthesis were highlighted (Adapted from Hensel, 2019) Research should focus on understanding the ecological interactions of Triticeae species in their natural habitats, including their responses to environmental stresses and their roles in ecosystem functioning. This knowledge can inform agricultural practices that enhance ecosystem services, such as soil health and biodiversity conservation. Additionally, integrating ecological principles into breeding programs can lead to the development of crop varieties that are not only high-yielding but also environmentally sustainable (Jun, 2013; Ayalew et al., 2018). 9.3 Collaborative research and global initiatives Collaborative research and global initiatives are vital for advancing Triticeae research and addressing the challenges of food security and environmental sustainability. International collaborations can facilitate the sharing of genetic resources, knowledge, and technologies, thereby accelerating the development of improved Triticeae varieties (Merker, 2008; Lu and Ellstrand, 2014). Global initiatives, such as gene banks and breeding networks, play a crucial role in conserving Triticeae genetic diversity and making it accessible for research and breeding programs (Bothmer et al., 2008). Moreover, interdisciplinary collaborations that bring together plant breeders, ecologists, geneticists, and agronomists are essential for addressing the complex challenges associated with Triticeae research. Such collaborations can lead to innovative solutions that integrate genetic improvement with ecological sustainability. Additionally, engaging with policymakers and stakeholders can ensure that research outcomes are translated into practical applications that benefit both agriculture and the environment (Barkworth and Bothmer, 2009). In conclusion, the future of Triticeae research lies in embracing emerging trends, integrating ecological and agricultural perspectives, and fostering collaborative efforts. By doing so, we can harness the full potential of Triticeae species to enhance food security, promote sustainable agriculture, and conserve biodiversity. 10 Concluing Remarks Research on the Triticeae tribe highlights its significant role in both ecological and agricultural contexts. The study found that the Triticeae tribe, including cultivated and wild taxa, provides a vast genetic reservoir that can