
Triticeae Genomics and Genetics, 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 31-43 40 retrotransposons, which form a crucial part of the genome's repetitive DNA sequences. These genetic elements not only profoundly impact the expansion of the genome size but also play an indispensable role in the regulation of gene expression and the formation of new regulatory networks. Furthermore, TEs significantly drive the creation of genetic diversity and the flexibility of the genome, providing species with strong support to adapt to environmental changes and evolve. These discoveries not only enrich our understanding of the wheat genome structure but also offer new insights and directions for future agricultural genetic improvements and breeding practices. In-depth and sustained research on transposable elements (TEs) is crucial, as understanding how TEs impact the structure and function of genomes will provide valuable insights into the fundamental processes of genomic evolution and adaptation. This knowledge is key for improving crop varieties through methods such as genetic engineering and selective breeding. TEs not only serve to create genetic diversity but also introduce traits beneficial for agricultural production, offering new possibilities for crop improvement. With the rapid development of sequencing technologies and bioinformatics tools in recent years, we now have unprecedented opportunities to explore the diversity and activity of TEs in cereal genomes. These advanced tools and techniques enable us to annotate TEs more precisely and conduct in-depth analysis of their functions. Such achievements lay a solid foundation for further exploration of the roles and impacts of TEs in areas like genomic regulation and evolution, potentially paving new paths for future agricultural science research. Transposable elements are dynamic and influential components of the Triticeae genome, driving genetic innovation and facilitating adaptation. The extensive presence and activity of TEs in Triticeae species, particularly in wheat, underscore their critical role in shaping genomic architecture and evolutionary trajectories. Continued research into TEs will not only enhance our understanding of genome evolution but also open up new avenues for crop improvement and adaptation strategies. As we advance our knowledge and tools, the potential to harness the power of TEs for agricultural and biotechnological applications becomes increasingly tangible. Acknowledgments We extend our sincere thanks to anonymous peer reviewers for their invaluable feedback on the initial draft of this paper, whose critical evaluations and constructive suggestions have greatly contributed to the improvement of our manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The authors affirm that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. References Ali A., Han K., and Liang P., 2021, Role of transposable elements in gene regulation in the human genome, Life, 11(2): 118. PMid:33557056 PMCid:PMC7913837 Amorim I.C., Sotero-Caio C.G., Costa R.G.C., Xavier C., and de Moura R.D.C., 2021, Comprehensive mapping of transposable elements reveals distinct patterns of element accumulation on chromosomes of wild beetles, Chromosome Research, 29: 203-218. PMid:33638119 Badet T., Feurtey A., and Croll D., 2023, Recent reactivation of a pathogenicity-associated transposable element triggers major chromosomal rearrangements in a fungal wheat pathogen, bioRxiv, 2023-03. Berthelier J., Casse N., Daccord N., Jamilloux V., Saint-Jean B., and Carrier G., 2018, A transposable element annotation pipeline and expression analysis reveal potentially active elements in the microalga Tisochrysis lutea, BMC Genomics, 19: 1-14. PMid:29783941 PMCid:PMC5963040 Bhat A., Ghatage T., Bhan S., Lahane G., Dhar A., Kumar R., Pandita R., Bhat K., Ramos K., and Pandita T., 2022, Role of transposable elements in genome stability: implications for health and disease, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(14): 7802. PMid:35887150 PMCid:PMC9319628