
Triticeae Genomics and Genetics, 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 19-30 23 core germplasm, local farm varieties, etc., and conducted salt tolerance identification at the bud stage and genome-wide association analysis (GWAS). By analyzing the pedigree, genetic relationships and modern molecular marker information of wheat, combined with the GWAS results of salt tolerance traits, they conducted a traceability analysis of the excellent haplotypes related to salt tolerance in China's wheat germplasm (Figure 3). Figure 2 Phenotypic variation of water stress and its impact on grain weight-related traits (Gahlaut et al., 2021) Note: A: Box plots show the value distribution of four traits in four environments , and for each trait, its coefficient of variation (CV%) is shown on the top of each plot ; B: Heat map shows the distribution of values among the four traits. Pearson correlation coefficient (rvalue), the value above the diagonal line on the left is the r value in the irrigated environment (E1 and E3), the value below the diagonal line on the right represents the r value in the rainfed environment (E2 and E4); **: Significance is P_0.001; DTA : Days to flowering stage; DTM: Maturity date ; GFD: Grain filling duration; GNPE: Number of grains per panicle; GWPE: Grain weight per panicle; E1: Density Irrigated Rut (IR); E2: Rainfed Meerut (RF); E3: Irrigated Powarkheda (IR); E4: Rainfed Powarkheda (RF) Figure 3 Phenotypic clusters and genetic population structures and their relationships (Yu et al., 2020) Note: a: Similarity tree and heat map showing phenotypic (left) and genotypic relationships (right) of traits; phenotypic tree is constructed based on correlation matrix; b: Classification by phenotypic tree (salt tolerant and salt sensitive) The two main clusters and their STI boxplots; c: Accessions with STI>0.6 in different subpopulations in the diversity panel; d: Boxplots of sexually transmitted infections in different subpopulations in the diversity panel