
Triticeae Genomics and Genetics, 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 10-18 13 screening and utilizing the favorable genes in these genetic variants, breeders are able to breed new varieties with excellent characteristics that are not only better adapted to environmental pressures, but also meet market demands for crop quality and nutritional value. Figure 1 An example of remarkable genetic diversity existing in a plant family (Take the cultivar groups of Brassica oleracea as an example) (Swarup et al., 2020) 2.3 The role of genetic diversity in genetic improvement of Triticeae crops Genetic diversity plays a crucial role in the genetic improvement of Triticeae crops and provides a valuable resource for breeding. It enables breeders to select genes from a wide gene pool for specific adaptive traits, such as drought tolerance, salt tolerance and cold resistance. Thus, the adaptive ability of crops to abiotic environmental stress can be significantly improved (Marzeih et al., 2018). Genetic diversity contains resistance genes that are key to crop resistance to various pests and diseases, and by integrating these genes into new crop varieties, it can effectively reduce the dependence on chemical pesticides, reduce production costs, and promote environmental sustainability. Genetic diversity also offers the possibility to improve the quality and nutritional value of crops, such as increasing protein content, improving vitamin and mineral content, and meeting market and consumer demand for high-quality food. Genetic diversity also facilitates the optimization of the genetic background of Triticeae crops and the development of new varieties. Through cross-species mating and genetic recombination, breeders can create varieties with new genetic combinations that may exhibit superior performance, adaptability or quality characteristics. In the face of the challenges posed by global climate change, genetic diversity provides a key