
2 Molecular Breeding Techniques 7
2.1 Marker-assisted selection (MAS) 7
2.2 Genomic selection (GS) 7
2.3 Genetic engineering and CRISPR/Cas9 7
3 Functional Characterization of Yield-Related Gen 7
3.1 Gene expression studies 7
3.2 Functional genomics approaches 8
4 Integrating Yield-Related Genes into Breeding Pr 8
4.1 Pyramiding multiple yield genes 8
4.2 High-throughput phenotyping 9
4.3 Field trials and performance testing 10
5 Case Studies of Molecular Breeding for Yield Imp 10
5.1 Successful varieties developed 10
5.2 Lessons learned and best practices 10
6 Future Directions and Challenges 11
6.1 Emerging technologies in molecular breeding 11
6.2 Addressing climate change and food security 11
6.3 Ethical and regulatory considerations 11
1 Introduction 15
2 Structural Genomics of Oryza 16
2.1 Genome sequencing projects 16
2.2 Chromosomal organization and structure 17
2.3 Transposable elements and repeat sequences 17
3 Functional Genomics of Oryza 17
3.1 Gene annotation and functional prediction 17
3.2 Transcriptomics and gene expression 19
3.3 Proteomics and metabolomics 19
4 Insights into Key Agronomic Traits 19
4.1 Yield-related traits 19
4.2 Stress resistance and tolerance 20
4.3 Nutritional and quality traits 20
5 Genomic Tools and Technologies for Oryza Improve 20
5.1 Genome editing and CRISPR/Cas systems 20
5.2 Marker-assisted selection and genomic selectio 21
5.3 High-throughput phenotyping and genotyping 22
6 Case Studies of Genomic Applications in Crop Enh 22
6.1 Disease resistance breeding 22
6.2 Drought and salinity tolerance 23
6.3 Biofortification and quality improvement 23
7 Future Prospects and Challenges 24
7.1 Emerging genomic technologies 24
Figure 5 Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of 24
Image caption: A: Embryogenic calli induced on cal 24
7.2 Integrating genomics with other omics 25
7.3 Ethical, regulatory, and social considerations 25
8 Concluding Remarks 25
1 Introduction 29
1 Introduction 41