
Rice Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 121-131 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/rgg 126 The interaction between SD1 and MOC1 genes plays a vital role in shaping rice plant architecture and enhancing yield. Their synergistic effects on plant growth, regulatory networks, and combined impact on plant morphology and yield underscore their importance in rice breeding strategies. Understanding and leveraging these interactions can lead to the development of high-yielding, resilient rice varieties that are crucial for global food security. Figure 3 Haplotype analysis of GNP6/MOC1 andMOC3 (Adopted from Zhang et al., 2021) Image caption: A: Haplotype frequencies of GNP6/MOC1; B: Tiller numbers in GNP6/MOC1 30 and 45 days post anthesis; Data are means±s.d., n=87, 103, and 36 for MOC1-Hap1ind, MOC1-Hap1jap and MOC1-Hap4ind, respectively; C: Haplotype frequencies for MOC3; D: Tiller numbers of MOC3 haplotypes; Data are means±s.d., n=89, 7, 23, 5, 38 and 67 for MOC3-Hap1ind, MOC3-Hap1jap, MOC3-Hap3jap, MOC3-Hap4jap, MOC3-Hap5ind, and MOC3-Hap5jap, respectively; E: Joint haplotypes of GNP6/MOC1 and MOC3; F: Tiller numbers of different joint haplotypes; Data are means±s; d., n=18, 18, 67, 7, 23, 5, 20 and 67 for H3ind, H4ind, H7ind, H7jap, H9jap, H10jap, H11ind and H11jap, respectively; Different lowercase letters above the error bar indicate significant differences between the means (P>0.05, Student’s t-test); G-H: Frequencies of joint haplotypes in landrace (LAN) and improved (IMP) accessions within the ind (G) and jap (H) subpopulations (Adopted from Zhang et al., 2021) 5 Breeding Strategies for EnhancingSD1 andMOC1 5.1 Traditional breeding approaches Traditional breeding approaches for enhancing SD1 and MOC1 in rice primarily involve selection and hybridization techniques. Selection involves identifying and choosing plants with desirable traits, such as optimal plant height and improved yield, and using them as parents for the next generation. Hybridization, on the other hand, involves crossing different varieties to combine favorable traits from both parents. For instance, the study by (Zhang et al., 2020) demonstrated the effectiveness of selecting elite SD1 alleles to achieve ideal plant height and lodging resistance. The research highlighted the importance of allele variation in SD1, which was a major