
Rice Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 80-82 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/rgg 81 Figure 1 illustrates the morphological diversity of Joha rice in Assam Image caption: Figure a shows that all varieties have split ligules, Figures b and c display the differences in basal leaf sheath color and the presence of internodes among different varieties, respectively, Figure d shows the differences in stigma color among the varieties, Figures e and f illustrate the variations in panicle morphology and color among different varieties, including black spots, yellow, straw color, and black stripes on straw, Figure g shows the presence or absence of awns, Figures h to k show the rice grains before and after staining, revealing color differences among the varieties, These morphological characteristics provide important criteria for distinguishing and identifying Joha rice varieties 3 Research Evaluation This study comprehensively revealed the diversity and superior characteristics of Joha rice varieties in Assam through detailed morphological, nutritional, and molecular characterization, providing a solid foundation for their breeding and improvement. The results showed that Joha rice not only has significant advantages in nutritional content but also demonstrated potential for application in breeding programs through genetic diversity. However, the inherent low yield of Joha rice remains a challenge that requires further research and improvement. 4 Research Findings Review This study systematically conducted a detailed analysis of the morphological, molecular, and biochemical characteristics of twenty indigenous aromatic Joha rice varieties from Assam, India, with the aim of improving yield and increasing their value. The research demonstrated significant diversity in the morphological traits of these varieties, providing unique resources for breeding programs. Through cluster analysis, these rice varieties were classified into three major groups, indicating notable differences in their morphological markers. Additionally, the study found that Joha rice is nutritionally rich, particularly in high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, iron, and zinc, which is significant for enhancing its value. This research provides a solid foundation for the breeding and improvement of aromatic rice and holds considerable application prospects.