
Rice Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 58-68 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/rgg 67 challenges. Studying how to better adapt wild rice to climate change and understanding its genetic basis for adaptability in different climate backgrounds will provide useful information for the sustainability of future agriculture (Chen et al., 2021). On the other hand, combining the genetic diversity of wild rice with the improvement of cultivated rice to cultivate more adaptable and stress resistant cultivated rice varieties is an important direction for future breeding. This requires a deep understanding of the relationship between genotype and phenotype of wild rice, and through precise gene editing techniques and genetic improvement methods, targeted introduction of target genes can be achieved to improve the overall quality of cultivated rice. Strengthening international cooperation is also an important way to promote the protection and utilization of wild rice in future research. Sharing research results and integrating resources and experiences from various countries will help to gain a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the biological characteristics of wild rice, providing more scientific support for its protection and sustainable utilization. The key to challenges and prospects lies in protecting wild rice while fully realizing its potential value in sustainable agricultural development and food security. Future research needs to be conducted at multiple levels to provide scientific solutions to the problems faced by global agriculture. 6Outlook After conducting in-depth research on the genetic diversity and adaptability of wild rice, we have gained a more comprehensive understanding of the value of this precious resource. Wild rice, as the primitive form of the rice family, not only possesses rich genetic diversity, but also has formed outstanding adaptive characteristics over a long evolutionary process. Through a comprehensive understanding of its ecological environment, biological characteristics, and genetic mechanisms, we have gained a better understanding of the survival strategies of wild rice in the face of various natural and human pressures. Future rice breeding and protection of wild rice germplasm resources require us to comprehensively apply various disciplinary knowledge and technological means. Firstly, we should strengthen our research on the genomics of wild rice and delve deeper into the beneficial genotypes to improve the stress resistance and productivity of cultivated rice. Secondly, it is recommended to strengthen international cooperation and jointly promote the monitoring and natural conservation of wild rice populations, protect their original ecological environment, and maintain the diversity and stability of their populations. In rice breeding, we should focus on precision breeding and introduce beneficial genes from wild rice through molecular breeding techniques to improve the yield and quality of cultivated rice. This can not only contribute to global food security, but also help reduce dependence on pesticides and fertilizers, and promote the development of agriculture towards a more sustainable direction. In terms of protection, it is recommended to strengthen the collection, preservation, and sharing of wild rice germplasm resources, and establish a global gene bank for wild rice. At the same time, through education and publicity, raise public awareness and importance of wild rice, and encourage society to pay more attention to and participate in the protection of wild rice. A deeper understanding of the genetic diversity and adaptability of wild rice provides a theoretical basis for us to better utilize this important resource. In future research and practice, we should protect its original ecological environment, deepen genetic research, and strengthen international cooperation to promote more significant achievements in rice breeding and protection work. Such efforts will not only bring new breakthroughs in the field of agriculture, but also help maintain the rich biodiversity on Earth. Acknowledgments The author extends sincere thanks to two anonymous peer reviewers for their invaluable feedback on the manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.