
Rice Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 58-68 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/rgg 66 Introducing stress resistant genes from wild rice into cultivated rice is an effective strategy in breeding practice. This involves molecular breeding techniques such as gene editing and transgenic technology. By accurately selecting and introducing specific genotypes from wild rice, cultivated rice can exhibit stronger survival ability under adverse conditions such as drought and salinity. This breeding strategy can not only enhance the stress resistance of cultivated rice, but also help reduce dependence on chemical pesticides and fertilizers, and improve the sustainability of agricultural production. In addition, newly cultivated rice varieties can better adapt to constantly changing climate and environmental conditions, providing more reliable solutions for global agricultural production. Overall, the application of wild rice germplasm resources has enormous potential for improving the stress resistance of cultivated rice. Through scientific and precise breeding methods, we can cultivate stronger and more adaptable rice varieties while maintaining high yield and quality, making a positive contribution to global food security and agricultural sustainability. 5.2 The potential value of wild rice in improving rice yield and quality Wild rice has enormous potential value in improving rice yield and quality. Through in-depth research on the biological characteristics and genomics of wild rice, scientists can discover many beneficial genotypes and genes that can be applied in cultivated rice, thereby promoting the rice industry towards more efficient, high-yield, and high-quality directions. There is rich genetic diversity within the population of wild rice, which means that there may be some genes that have a positive impact on yield and quality in different wild rice populations. By gaining a deeper understanding of these genotypes, it is possible to select and introduce some beneficial traits such as high yield, disease and pest resistance, and stress resistance, in order to improve the yield and resistance of cultivated rice. During the process of adaptive evolution, wild rice has formed some special varieties with vigorous growth, excellent plant types, and resistance to pests and diseases. These characteristics can be introduced into cultivated rice through gene selection and genetic improvement to enhance its growth and development, stress resistance, and resistance to pests and diseases (Khanh et al, 2021). Some genes in wild rice may be closely related to the yield of rice. For example, some genes that regulate plant growth may help improve the biomass and grain yield of rice. By gaining a deeper understanding of the functional mechanisms of these genes, targeted breeding work can be carried out to achieve greater yields in cultivated rice. In terms of quality, wild rice may also provide some beneficial characteristics. Some wild rice may have higher antioxidant properties, higher nutritional content, or better taste. By introducing these characteristics into rice cultivation, the edible quality of rice can be improved, meeting people's demand for high-quality food. 5.3 Challenges of wild rice germplasm resources in rice breeding Wild rice germplasm resources are facing increasingly severe habitat destruction and pressure from human activities. Urbanization, farmland expansion, and climate change have had a serious impact on its natural habitat. Therefore, protecting the natural habitat of wild rice and maintaining its population stability and diversity has become an urgent task. Establishing nature reserves, conducting monitoring of wild rice populations, and promoting environmental education are key steps in protecting wild rice germplasm resources. Future research directions need to delve deeper into the genetic mechanisms, adaptive evolution, and ecological interactions of wild rice. By integrating research methods from multiple fields such as molecular biology, ecology, and genetics, a deeper understanding of the survival strategies and genetic variation mechanisms of wild rice under different ecological pressures will help to better utilize its abundant genetic resources. It is particularly important to study the adaptability of wild rice under climate change conditions. With the increase in global temperatures and extreme weather events, the ecological adaptability of wild rice may face new