
Rice Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 58-68 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/rgg 63 Water quality and soil type are also key factors affecting the adaptability of wild rice. Some wild rice grows in saline alkali areas and has strong salt alkali resistance, while others grow near wetlands or freshwater lakes and show adaptability to different water qualities. The fertility and drainage of soil also play a crucial role in the distribution and survival of wild rice. Therefore, studying the ecological adaptability of wild rice in different soil types can help understand its growth status in agricultural environments. The impact of ecological environment on the adaptability of wild rice also involves interactions with other plants and animals. There are complex interrelationships between wild rice and other organisms in the surrounding ecosystem, which may have an impact on its growth and reproduction. For example, symbiosis with specific microorganisms may help wild rice absorb nutrients or resist diseases, and this symbiotic relationship is crucial for its adaptability in natural ecosystems. In adaptability analysis, understanding the phenotypic and genotype variations of wild rice in different ecological environments, as well as its interactions with the environment, is of great significance for revealing the mechanisms of adaptability of wild rice. This information helps us better utilize the genetic resources of wild rice, improve the stress resistance and productivity of cultivated rice, and provide scientific basis for protecting and maintaining wild rice germplasm resources. 4.2 Adaptability of biological characteristics The biological characteristics of wild rice reflect its adaptive evolution in the natural environment, and through these characteristics, wild rice has successfully adapted to diverse and complex ecosystems. The growth cycle and reproductive strategy of wild rice demonstrate its flexible adaptation to changing environments. Some wild rice populations exhibit shorter growth cycles, allowing them to complete the reproductive process in environments with significant seasonal changes. Other populations may exhibit longer growth cycles and adapt to relatively more stable ecosystems. This difference in growth cycle provides flexibility for wild rice to find the most suitable breeding time in different ecological environments. For example, we know that rice is a cold sensitive crop originating from tropical or subtropical regions, and encountering low temperatures during the booting stage can lead to abnormal rice development and severe yield reduction. Li et al. (2021) conducted a genome-wide association analysis using cold tolerant near isogenic lines to construct isolated populations. Based on linkage mapping, they further utilized the cold tolerant phenotypes at the booting stage of 54 japonica and 67 indica rice germplasm resources to identify a new cold tolerant gene, CTB2. CTB2 encodes a glucosyltransferase that is highly expressed in the tapetum, pollen grains, and anthers. Under low temperature stress, CTB2 maintains cell membrane permeability by affecting the content of sterol glycosides and acetylated sterol glycosides, protects pollen grains and pollen outer wall structure, and ultimately improves the cold tolerance of rice (Figure 1) (Li et al., 2021). This study found that during the domestication process of japonica rice, the cold tolerance can be improved by gradually selecting existing and new variations. Not only does it provide important genetic resources for cold tolerance breeding in rice, but it also provides another theoretical example for plant adaptive evolution. This research result is of great significance for effectively ensuring the high and stable yield of rice under low temperature or cold planting conditions, promoting the further development of rice cultivation in high-altitude and high latitude areas, and addressing the growing demand for rice in China (Li et al., 2021). The stress tolerance and disease resistance of wild rice are significant adaptations in its biological characteristics. Wild rice populations typically exhibit stronger resistance to adverse conditions in their growth environment, such as drought, salinity, and diverse pests and diseases. This resilience reflects its adaptation to complex ecological pressures during long-term evolution, providing advantages for its wider distribution and survival in the natural environment.