
Rice Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 58-68 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/rgg 62 Cluster analysis is another commonly used method that divides samples into different groups based on genetic similarity. This analysis can help determine which individuals or populations are more genetically similar, thereby identifying the genetic relationships within the group. Model independent population structure analysis is a method of determining population structure by calculating genetic variation within a population and genetic differences between populations. This method does not rely on prior assumptions and can more flexibly identify genetic differentiation between different populations. By integrating these analysis methods, the study of the genetic structure of wild rice populations can reveal genotype differences between different populations, providing important clues for understanding the evolutionary process, adaptability, and genetic diversity of wild rice. These pieces of information are of great significance for scientists in rice breeding, ecological research, and the protection and sustainable use of wild rice germplasm resources. 3.3 The impact of genetic diversity on stress resistance of wild rice Genetic diversity plays an important role in the stress resistance of wild rice. The genetic diversity within the wild rice population reflects the richness and variability of genotypes, providing a genetic basis for their adaptability under different environmental conditions. This diversity not only helps the wild rice population adapt to changes in the natural environment, but also has a significant impact on its stress resistance performance. Genetic diversity provides wild rice with stronger adaptability to ecological pressures. In wild habitats, different genotypes may exhibit different resistance to adversity such as drought, salinity, and pests and diseases. This difference stems from genetic diversity, which through adaptive evolution enables individuals in a population to better adapt to specific environmental pressures, maintain survival and reproduction (Zhang et al., 2019). The impact of genetic diversity on the stress resistance of wild rice is reflected at the genetic level. Through molecular marker technology, genetic variation between different genotypes can be studied, and key genes related to stress resistance can be identified. This provides important information for breeding improvement, allowing scientists to enhance the resistance of cultivated rice to adversity by selecting hybrid combinations with specific resistance genotypes. Genetic diversity also affects the interspecific and intra specific relationships of wild rice populations, thereby affecting their role in the ecosystem. Relatively high genetic diversity helps populations better adapt to different ecological niches, improving their stability and stress resistance in ecosystems. However, due to the continuous changes in the environment and interference from human activities, the wild rice population is gradually threatened, and the reduction of its genetic diversity may lead to a decrease in stress resistance, making the population more vulnerable. Therefore, protecting and maintaining the genetic diversity of wild rice is crucial for ensuring its stress resistance and survival in the natural environment. 4 Adaptability analysis 4.1 Impact on ecological environment The adaptability analysis of wild rice involves its survival and reproduction strategies in different ecological environments, examining their adaptability to various ecological factors. The impact of ecological factors on wild rice is an important aspect of adaptability analysis. The impact of ecological environment is reflected in climate and geographical conditions. Wild rice is distributed globally and faces challenges from different climate and geographical conditions. Some wild rice populations exist in hot and humid tropical regions, while others may live in cold and dry temperate or plateau areas. By studying the wild rice populations in these different ecological environments, their adaptive mechanisms in temperature, humidity, light, and other aspects can be revealed, providing insights for cultivating cultivated rice that is more adaptable to different climate conditions (Chen et al., 2021).