
Rice Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 58-68 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/rgg 61 3 Genetic diversity analysis 3.1 Application of molecular marker technology in the study of genetic diversity in wild rice In the study of genetic diversity in wild rice, molecular marker technology is a powerful tool that provides scientists with a deeper understanding of its genomic characteristics and genetic relationships. The main applications of molecular marker technology include randomly amplified polymorphisms (RAPD), microsatellite markers (SSR), and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). The application of these technologies not only reveals genetic differences between wild rice populations, but also provides important information for revealing their adaptability and ecological evolution (Wu et al., 2021). Random Amplified Polymorphism (RAPD) is a PCR amplification technique based on random primer guidance, which reveals genetic diversity by identifying polymorphisms in different regions of DNA. In wild rice, RAPD technology is widely used to evaluate genetic variations between different individuals and populations. Due to its advantages of simplicity, speed, and low cost, RAPD technology has become a powerful tool for preliminary screening of genetic diversity in wild rice. Microsatellite marker (SSR) is a highly polymorphic molecular marker technique that reveals genetic diversity at the genomic level by detecting short and repetitive sequence units in DNA. In the study of genetic diversity in wild rice, SSR technology has been widely applied in population genetic structure analysis and genetic relationship research. Its high polymorphism and locus richness enable it to provide high-resolution genetic information, providing an ideal means to reveal small differences between wild rice populations (Yang et al., 2022). With the development of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) technology, more and more studies have begun to use SNP markers in genetic diversity analysis of wild rice. SNP markers have the characteristics of high stability and high throughput, enabling them to cover the entire genome more comprehensively and provide more accurate genetic information. By analyzing the distribution of SNPs, researchers can gain a more detailed understanding of the genetic differences between wild rice populations, providing a more accurate genetic background for further research on their adaptability. It can be seen that the application of molecular marker technology in the study of genetic diversity in wild rice provides researchers with a comprehensive and in-depth perspective. The different characteristics of these technologies enable researchers to choose the most suitable method based on research objectives and needs, further revealing the mysteries of the wild rice genome, and providing scientific basis for its protection, utilization, and breeding improvement. 3.2 Analysis of population genetic structure The genetic structure analysis of wild rice populations is a crucial research task aimed at revealing the genotype frequency distribution, genetic relationships, and genetic differences within different wild rice populations. This analysis helps to understand the evolutionary process, ecological adaptability, and genetic variation of wild rice populations, providing useful information for their application in breeding and conservation. By collecting wild rice samples from different geographical locations or ecological environments to form populations, such geographical or ecological differences may lead to genetic differences between different populations. Then, using molecular marker techniques such as microsatellite markers (SSR) or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), genetic markers were applied to the wild rice population (Chen et al., 2021). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a commonly used statistical method that can reveal genetic similarity and differences between samples through dimensionality reduction techniques. Through PCA, multidimensional genetic data can be transformed into a few principal components, so that the distribution of samples on the principal components reflects their relative positions in the genetic space. This helps to identify genetic relationships among different populations of wild rice.