
Rice Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.2, 58-68 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/rgg 60 In addition, population genetic structure analysis is also an important means to determine the genetic diversity of wild rice. This method reveals the genetic and phylogenetic relationships between different wild rice populations by studying the distribution of gene frequencies in different populations. The main analytical tools include principal component analysis (PCA), cluster analysis, and model independent population structure analysis. These analysis methods can effectively determine the genetic connections between wild rice populations, providing strong support for further research (Banaticla-Hilario and Sajise, 2022). The impact of genetic diversity on the stress resistance of wild rice is also an important aspect of measurement methods. By combining genetic diversity data with the growth status of wild rice under different environmental conditions, researchers can analyze the performance of different genotypes in stress resistance, further revealing their potential mechanisms for adapting to different habitats. The determination method of genetic diversity of wild rice germplasm resources combines DNA molecular level analysis and population level research, comprehensively and deeply revealing the richness and complexity of genetic diversity of wild rice through modern molecular marker technology and population genetics methods. 2.3 Genetic diversity of wild rice germplasm resources The existence of genetic diversity in wild rice germplasm resources is reflected in different populations and geographical distributions. Due to the widespread distribution of wild rice in wetlands, rivers, and swampy areas around the world, they face different climate and soil conditions, which promote the adaptive differentiation of genotypes. This difference is not only manifested in morphological characteristics, but also includes genetic differences at the genomic level, providing a genetic basis for their survival and reproduction in different habitats. Molecular marker technology has played a crucial role in studying the genetic diversity of wild rice germplasm resources. By using molecular marker techniques such as Random Amplified Polymorphism (RAPD), Microsatellite Markers (SSR), and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP), researchers can gain a deeper understanding of genetic differences within wild rice populations and the genetic relationships between different populations. The application of these technologies reveals the diversity of wild rice at the genetic level, providing researchers with tools to gain a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of its adaptability and evolutionary process. For example, SSR markers are a co dominant marker with good stability and have been widely used in the detection of genetic diversity between species, construction of genetic maps, and other fields. Zhu et al. (2002) used SSR markers to conduct genetic research on common wild rice in Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangxi, and Yunnan, and found that the differentiation degree of common wild rice in Guangdong and Guangxi was high. Jiangxi and Yunnan common wild rice were primitive types that did not undergo indica japonica differentiation, and there were genetic differences between common wild rice in different regions. Genetic diversity not only plays a crucial role in the ecological adaptability of wild rice, but also has significant implications for rice breeding and improvement. In the face of increasingly changing climate and ecological environment, utilizing the genetic diversity of wild rice and breeding cultivated rice varieties with stronger stress resistance and higher yields is expected to improve the sustainability of agriculture and ensure global food security. With the continuous expansion of human activities, the natural habitat of wild rice is gradually being threatened, which also poses a challenge to its genetic diversity and survival status. Therefore, in-depth research on the genetic diversity of wild rice germplasm resources not only helps scientists better understand the ecological balance of nature, but also provides scientific basis for the protection and sustainable utilization of this precious resource. By comprehensively considering the expression of genetic diversity at different levels, we can have a more comprehensive understanding of the ecological and genetic characteristics of wild rice, and provide more targeted measures for its protection and sustainable utilization.