
Rice Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-11 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/rgg 3 The formation of mature pollen grains also exhibits certain sensitivity under high temperature conditions, which involves key processes such as cell wall synthesis, nuclear movement, and plasma membrane formation. High temperature may interfere with these cellular processes, leading to abnormal morphology or functional defects in mature pollen grains. Therefore, the temperature sensitivity of high temperature to rice pollen development is not only reflected in a specific stage, but also runs through the entire development process. The existence of temperature sensitivity makes rice more susceptible to adverse effects from the external environment under high temperature conditions, thereby increasing the uncertainty of successful reproduction. In depth research on temperature sensitivity in key developmental stages is of great theoretical and practical significance for better understanding the mechanism of high temperature on rice reproductive system and providing scientific basis for agricultural production. 1.3 Current research status of rice pollen development Researchers have conducted in-depth research on the development of rice pollen through multi-level and multi angle methods. Morphologically, researchers observed the meiosis of pollen mother cells, differentiation of pollen spores, and the morphological structure of mature pollen grains through techniques such as microscopy and electron microscopy. These studies reveal the morphological changes of pollen development at different stages, providing a basis for understanding the overall process of pollen development. Meanwhile, molecular biology research methods are also widely applied in the study of rice pollen development. Through techniques such as transcriptomics and proteomics, scientists have revealed the expression dynamics of a large number of genes during pollen development, especially those involved in key regulation of pollen development. These studies provide rich information for exploring the molecular mechanisms of pollen development (Jiang et al., 2020). Research under stress conditions has also received much attention, especially the impact of high temperature stress on rice pollen development. A series of experiments have revealed the negative effects of high temperature on key stages of pollen development, including meiosis of pollen mother cells, differentiation of pollen spores, and formation of mature pollen grains. These studies aim to deeply understand the threat of high temperature to the rice reproductive system and provide theoretical basis for cultivating high-temperature resistant rice varieties. With the continuous advancement of technology, emerging technologies such as single-cell transcriptomics have also begun to emerge in the research of rice pollen development in recent years, enabling us to have a more refined understanding of intercellular differences and regulatory networks in pollen development. Significant progress has been made in the study of rice pollen development, from morphology to molecular level, from normal development to response under stress conditions. Scientists are working to uncover the mysteries of rice reproduction, in order to provide effective strategies for increasing grain yield and agricultural production under climate change. At present, researchers have conducted extensive research on the development of rice pollen and its regulatory mechanisms, and have achieved a series of important results. Among them, breakthrough progress has been made in the sequencing of rice anther genomes. Through the analysis of rice anther genomes, researchers have discovered multiple genes related to pollen development, which are related to microspore mother cell division, pollen tube growth, and pollen germination (Zhong et al., 2020). At the same time, researchers also studied the functions and biological characteristics of multiple genes related to pollen development through gene knockout and transgenic techniques. These research results provide fundamental support for in-depth analysis of the process and regulatory mechanisms of rice pollen development. 2 The Effect of High Temperature on the Development of Rice Pollen 2.1 Changes in pollen vitality and survival rate High temperatures have a profound impact on the pollen vitality and survival rate of rice, directly threatening the reproductive success of plants. Pollen is one of the key factors in the reproduction of rice plants, and its health and vitality are directly related to the success of pollen pollination and the stability of yield. Under high temperature