
Rice Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-11 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/rgg 2 Through in-depth research on these aspects, we hope to reveal the specific effects of high temperature on the reproductive process of rice, and provide more accurate decision-making support for future agricultural production. In addition, we will also examine rice varieties that are adapted to high temperatures, delve deeper into the genetic basis of high temperature tolerance, and explore the application prospects of genetic engineering and breeding methods in improving rice high temperature tolerance. Through these studies, we are expected to provide new ideas and solutions for sustainable development and food security issues in the agricultural sector. 1 Development Process of Rice Pollen 1.1 Basic process of pollen development Pollen development is a crucial link in the reproductive process of rice plants, directly related to the reproductive success and yield of rice. This complex process typically involves several key growth stages, each of which is highly sensitive to the external environment and internal regulatory factors while ensuring the smooth development of pollen. The first stage of pollen development is the production of pollen mother cells. In the flower buds of rice, anthers are the main site of pollen development, containing a large number of pollen mother cells. These mother cells undergo meiosis to produce four haploid pollen spores. The accuracy of this process is crucial for subsequent pollen development, and high temperatures often have a direct impact on this stage of meiosis. Next is the differentiation and development of pollen spores. Pollen spores are divided into two types, which produce two different types of cells: one is pollen mother cells with reproductive functions, and the other is nutrient rich cells responsible for providing support and nutrients. This stage is influenced by hormone regulation, especially the balance between auxin and gibberellin, to ensure the normal development of pollen. In the third stage of pollen development, pollen mother cells further differentiate into two different cells, forming mature pollen grains. This process involves the synthesis of cell walls, the movement of the nucleus, and the formation of the plasma membrane. High temperature environments may interfere with these cellular processes, leading to abnormal pollen morphology or functional defects (Lewandowska et al., 2022). Finally, mature pollen grains are dispersed to the external environment through anther cracks, waiting for the pollination process to take place. The success of this process depends on the accurate development of the aforementioned stages, and any abnormality in any stage may have an impact on the final reproductive success. The basic process of pollen development involves multiple complex cytological and biochemical events. As one of the external environmental factors, high temperature needs to be studied in depth to fully understand the impact mechanism of high temperature on the rice reproductive system. Through in-depth research on pollen development, we can provide more accurate decision support for agricultural production and help agricultural producers better adapt to constantly changing climate conditions. 1.2 Temperature sensitivity during critical developmental stages The key stages of rice pollen development are crucial throughout the entire growth process, and the development of these key stages is often highly sensitive to temperature. In high-temperature environments, the normal development of pollen is directly threatened, which may lead to disruption of the reproductive system and ultimately affect rice yield. The meiosis of pollen mother cells is the initial stage of pollen development and one of the most sensitive stages. High temperature conditions may interfere with the progress of meiosis, leading to abnormal chromosome separation or uneven distribution, thereby affecting the genetic stability of subsequent pollen. The negative impact of this phenomenon on pollen development is that abnormal chromosome separation may lead to abnormal genetic material carrying in pollen, thereby affecting its normal function. The differentiation and development process of pollen spores also exhibit sensitivity to high temperature, which is influenced by hormone regulation. High temperature may disrupt the balance of hormones, thereby affecting the normal development of pollen spores. Hormones such as auxin and gibberellin play crucial roles in regulating pollen differentiation and development, and high temperatures may trigger abnormal expression of these hormones, ultimately leading to hindered or incomplete development of pollen spores (Devireddy et al., 2021).