
Rice Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 36-47 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/rgg 45 Under high temperature conditions, rice is susceptible to various pests and diseases. Farmers should adopt appropriate pest management measures to protect rice from pests and diseases. This can be accomplished by using pesticides or employing biological control methods. Combining these agricultural management recommendations, farmers and agricultural practitioners can better prepare for and cope with rice production under heat stress conditions. By selecting adaptive varieties, adjusting planting time, optimizing irrigation, adopting shading measures, improving soil quality, and managing pests and diseases, rice's high temperature resistance can be improved and yields and food security can be maintained. 5.3 Application of new technologies and innovative methods in improving rice resistance to high temperature stress With the advancement of science and technology, new technologies and innovative methods continue to emerge, providing new ways to improve rice resistance to high temperature stress. The application of these new technologies and innovative methods in rice high temperature stress resistance will be discussed in sections below. Emerging high-temperature stress screening platforms allow researchers to simulate high-temperature conditions to better understand rice's response mechanisms. These platforms can control temperature and humidity in the laboratory to help researchers study the effects of high temperature stress on rice and evaluate the high temperature resistance of different varieties. This helps to quickly screen out rice varieties with better high temperature resistance. The development of genomics and transcriptomic technologies allows researchers to comprehensively understand gene expression changes in rice under high temperature stress. By analyzing gene and transcript data, researchers can identify key genes associated with high temperature resistance. This provides strong support for breeding efforts, allowing researchers to select and improve high temperature resistance genes in a targeted manner. Gene editing technologies (such as CRISPR-Cas9) provide unprecedented precision and efficiency for rice genetic improvement. Researchers can use these techniques to directly edit rice genes to increase its resistance to high temperatures. This includes deleting genes that negatively affect high temperature resistance or inserting foreign genes with high temperature resistance properties. This method has the potential to accelerate the breeding process and create rice varieties that are more resistant to high temperatures (Huang et al., 2018). Research has found that the interaction between rice and some symbiotic microorganisms can enhance its high temperature resistance. These microorganisms can promote the growth of rice, improve its nutrient absorption, and increase its antioxidant capacity. Therefore, methods that utilize beneficial microorganisms, such as inoculation or soil amendment, can help improve rice's ability to survive high temperature conditions. Smart agriculture technologies, such as sensors, remote sensing and data analytics, can provide tools to monitor and manage rice production in real time. These technologies can help farmers better understand heat stress and take timely measures to mitigate its effects. New technologies and innovative methods provide a wide range of options for improving resistance to high temperature stress in rice. Through the application of high temperature stress screening platform, genomics and transcriptomics, gene editing technology, interaction between rice and symbiotic microorganisms, and smart agricultural technology, rice breeding and management can be accelerated and the yield and resistance of rice in high temperature environment can be improved. The comprehensive application of these methods will help cope with the high temperature challenges brought about by climate change and maintain food security. 6 Concluding Remarks This study reveals the complex response mechanism of the photosynthetic and antioxidant systems of rice under high temperature stress conditions. We found that high temperature stress significantly reduced the photosynthetic efficiency of rice, resulting in damage to the photosystem and insufficient supply of photosynthetic substrates. At the same time, the antioxidant system plays a key role in resisting oxidative stress and protecting chloroplasts from oxidative damage under high temperature conditions. The upregulation of antioxidant enzyme activity and the accumulation of antioxidant substances are important components in maintaining the physiological balance of rice.