
Rice Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 36-47 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/rgg 44 editing technology, collection and preservation of genetic resources, and the application of biotechnology. These approaches are discussed in detail below to better understand how to improve rice resistance to high temperature stress. Traditional breeding methods are a classic way to improve rice. It involves selecting and breeding parents with high temperature resistance and then introducing these traits into new varieties through crossing. This requires patience and time, as multiple generations of selection and breeding are required to ensure that the desired resistance traits are stably passed on to future generations. Traditional breeding methods can also be combined with other technologies, such as selective markers, to more effectively screen candidate varieties with high temperature resistance. Molecular marker-assisted breeding is a modern method that allows more precise screening of plants with target resistance genes. By analyzing the plant's DNA, breeders can identify individuals with high-temperature resistance genes, thus speeding up the breeding process. This approach can help reduce breeding cycles and increase the chances of successful breeding because it allows the selection of promising parents that have been validated at the molecular level. Recent gene editing technologies (such as CRISPR-Cas9) provide new tools for plant genetic improvement. Using these techniques, researchers can precisely edit plant genes to increase their resistance to high temperatures. This method has the advantages of speed, accuracy, and customization, but it also requires strict supervision to ensure the safety and sustainability of its application (Fiaz et al., 2019). In the process of improving rice, collecting and preserving rich genetic resources is crucial. These resources include wild species, local species and wild relatives. They may have useful genes related to high temperature resistance that could be used in breeding efforts. Therefore, protecting and studying these genetic resources is very important to improve the high temperature resistance of rice. However, with the application of traditional breeding, molecular marker-assisted breeding, gene editing technology, collection and preservation of genetic resources, and biotechnology, the high temperature resistance of rice has been continuously improved. These methods can be used alone or in combination to breed rice that is more adaptable to high temperatures. environment-friendly rice varieties, thereby increasing yields and food security. 5.2 Recommendations for agricultural management practices To better cope with high temperature stress, agricultural management practices play a key role in improving rice's high temperature resistance. Some key agricultural management recommendations will be explored in detail below to help farmers and agricultural practitioners better manage rice production under high temperature conditions. These suggestions will help mitigate the adverse effects of high temperature stress on rice yield and quality. Selecting rice varieties that are adapted to high temperature environments is the first step in agricultural management. Farmers should choose varieties that have been bred and improved to handle high temperatures. These varieties usually show better heat resistance and can maintain higher yield and quality under high temperature conditions. Adjustment of planting time can help circumvent the effects of high temperature stress. Farmers can choose to grow rice during the cooler seasons to mitigate the adverse effects of high temperatures on growth. In addition, choosing the right season can also avoid the adverse effects of high temperatures on rice flowering and fruiting. Good irrigation management is critical to maintaining rice growth under high temperature conditions, ensuring adequate water supply but not over-irrigating to avoid flooding and heat stress. The optimization of the irrigation system can improve water use efficiency and reduce the waste of water resources (Xu et al., 2020). In hot weather, shading can help reduce soil and plant surface temperatures. This can be achieved by erecting awnings or planting trees where appropriate. Shade can reduce the impact of high temperature stress on rice and improve the comfort of the growing environment.