
Rice Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 1-11 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/rgg 1 Research Article Open Access The Effect and Mechanism Analysis of High Temperature on Rice Pollen Development and Pollination Zicai Shen, Jun Tao Biotechnology Research Center, Cuixi Academy of Biotechnology, Zhuji, 311800, Zhejiang, China Corresponding author email: Juntao@hotmail.com Rice Genomics and Genetics, 2024, Vol.15, No.1 doi: 10.5376/rgg.2024.15.0001 Received: 01 Dec., 2023 Accepted: 03 Jan., 2024 Published: 15 Jan., 2024 Copyright © 2024 Shen and Tao, This article was first published in Molecular Plant Breeding in Chinese, and here was authorized to translate and publish the paper in English under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Preferred citation for this article: Shen Z.C., and Tao J., 2024, The effect and mechanism analysis of high temperature on rice pollen development and pollination, Rice Genomics and Genetics, 15(1): 1-11 (doi: 10.5376/rgg.2023.15.0001) Abstract This study aims to delve into the impact of high temperature on rice pollen development and pollination processes, along with its underlying mechanisms. With the ongoing global temperature rise, high-temperature stress poses a severe challenge to rice production. We scrutinize the fundamental processes of rice pollen development, with a particular focus on the temperature sensitivity during critical developmental stages. The study extensively analyzes the involvement of hormone signaling pathways in rice under high-temperature conditions, highlighting the variations and physiological significance of hormones such as ABA, GA, and ethylene. At the molecular level, we delve into the regulation of rice protein synthesis and metabolism under high temperature, revealing alterations in protein synthesis rates and composition. Moreover, we propose recommendations for future research and agricultural practices, emphasizing the cultivation of high-temperature-adaptive rice varieties through genetic improvement and agricultural management strategies. This research provides a theoretical foundation for a profound understanding of the impact of high temperature on rice reproductive processes, contributing to the achievement of sustainable agriculture and global food security. Keywords Rice (Oryza sativa); High-temperature stress; Pollen development; Hormone signaling pathways; Protein synthesis 1 Introduction Against the backdrop of global climate change, rice (Oryza sativa), one of the main sources of food, is facing unprecedented challenges. The increase in temperature and frequent occurrence of extreme weather events have had an undeniable impact on the growth, development, and yield of rice. Especially the reproductive process of rice, although crucial, appears fragile under high temperature conditions. The aim of this study is to investigate in depth the effects of high temperatures on rice pollen development and pollination, reveal their potential mechanisms, and provide scientific basis for future agricultural responses to climate change. Rice, as one of the three major staple foods in the world, not only provides abundant nutrition for humanity, but also serves as the livelihood foundation for hundreds of millions of people. However, in recent years, with the continuous rise of global temperatures, high temperature events have become more frequent and extreme. This poses a serious challenge to the growth and yield of rice. High temperatures not only directly affect the photosynthesis and physiological activities of rice, but also have a negative impact on pollen development and pollination during the reproductive process, ultimately threatening global food security. In this context, the aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the effects of high temperature on rice pollen development and pollination, as well as the molecular mechanisms underlying these effects. We will explore the basic process of rice pollen development, focusing on key growth stages and developmental steps. We will also analyze in detail the effects of high temperature on rice pollen development, including changes in pollen vitality, survival rate, pollen tube growth, and direction regulation (Hsu et al., 2021). Meanwhile, we will conduct in-depth research on the impact of high temperature on rice pollination, exploring the success rate of pollination, interaction between stamens and pistils, and changes in pistil development. In addition, we will focus on the molecular mechanisms of high temperature on the development of rice reproductive organs, including gene expression, protein synthesis and metabolism, and the involvement of hormone signaling pathways.