
Rice Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 28-35 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/rgg 33 japonica (TeJ), and wild rice (Ruf). d) FST values reflected the level of genetic differentiation in the 100kb region around OsMYB8 among the above three types. e) Recorded the DFOT of rice germplasm containing Hap1 and Hap2 in May 2022 in Guangzhou, finding that germplasm with Hap1 generally flowered earlier than those with Hap2. f) Measured the relative expression levels of OsMYB8 in the lodicules of rice germplasm containing Hap1 and Hap2. g) Measured the JA-Ile content in the lodicules of TFB and ZH11 at 9:00 AM. h) Transient dual-luciferase reporter gene assay showed the transcriptional activity of pOsMYB8Hap1 and pOsMYB8Hap2 in rice protoplasts. i) Measured the relative expression levels of OsMYB8 in the lodicules of ZH11, OsMYB8TF/Osmyb8ZH transgenic lines, and Osmyb8ZH mutants. j) Showed a comparison of the panicles of ZH11, OsMYB8TF/Osmyb8ZH transgenic lines, and Osmyb8ZH mutants at 11:30 AM in October 2022 in Guangzhou. k) Recorded the number of florets opened at different times of the day for ZH11, OsMYB8TF/Osmyb8ZH transgenic lines, and Osmyb8ZH mutants. Figure 6 Natural variation in OsMYB8 promoter confers DFOT divergence in japonica and indica Therefore, the results highlight the role of natural variation in the genetic regulation of rice DFOT, especially how promoter polymorphisms affect the expression of OsMYB8 and subsequent plant biological responses. These findings provide important genetic information for understanding the timing control mechanisms in rice growth and development, as well as for rice breeding. Figure 7 showed the research results on how the indica allele of the OsMYB8 gene promotes the diurnal floret opening time (DFOT) in japonica rice. a) and d) Compared the panicles of ZH11 with NIL^TFB and XS134 with CSSL9311 at 12:00 PM in Guangzhou, with a scale bar representing 1 cm. b) and e) Measured the number of florets opened per panicle at different times of the day for ZH11 with NIL^TFB and XS134 with CSSL9311, with values represented as mean ± standard error (SEM) (n=10 panicles). c) and f) Measured the relative expression levels of OsMYB8 and OsJAR1 in the lodicules of ZH11 with NIL^TFB and XS134 with CSSL9311, with values represented as mean ± standard error (SEM) (n=3 biological replicates). Significance was evaluated by two-sided