
Rice Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 19-27 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/rgg 26 However, there are also significant differences in gene expression between roots and leaves. In the root system, there may be some genes whose expression is more strongly regulated to adapt to changes in soil moisture. For example, the root system may exhibit stronger water sensing and regulatory gene expression changes to more sensitively perceive and respond to soil water conditions. On the contrary, in leaves, gene regulation may focus more on adjusting genes related to photosynthesis and transpiration to minimize water loss (Corso et al., 2020). The regulation of signaling pathways in roots and leaves also shows some similarities and differences, and the dehydratin signaling pathway is one of the main signaling pathways for plants to combat drought. Both roots and leaves are involved in the regulation of dehydratin responsive elements, transcription factors, and other key molecules to initiate a series of stress responses. The root system, signal transduction pathways may focus more on the perception and regulation of soil moisture, including water sensors in root tip cells and hormone regulation related to water signaling. At the same time, in leaves, signal transduction pathways may place greater emphasis on stomatal regulation and photosynthetic response. Although there are some differences in signal transduction pathways, the signal transduction systems of roots and leaves work together to form the overall response mechanism of plants to drought conditions. This synergistic effect enables plants to adjust various physiological processes more flexibly at the molecular level to adapt to the different perceptual needs of different parts for drought. Such meticulous regulation helps plants more effectively cope with drought stress in complex environments. 5Outlook By comprehensively analyzing the response mechanisms of rice roots and leaves under drought conditions, we can see that plants exhibit multi-level and multifaceted physiological and molecular adjustments when facing water stress. The root system improves its water absorption capacity through changes in its morphological structure; Leaves reduce water loss by adjusting physiological characteristics such as photosynthesis and transpiration. At the molecular level, the synergistic regulation of gene expression and signaling pathways constitutes a comprehensive response network of rice to drought stress. This synergistic effect ensures that plants can quickly and effectively transmit drought signals between different tissues to maximize drought tolerance. Although we have made some key findings, there are still some unclear issues that need to be addressed. Understanding the mechanism of interaction between rice roots and soil microorganisms, as well as the differences in root morphology and physiological characteristics among different rice varieties, will help to better understand the details of root systems in water absorption. In addition, further in-depth research is needed on the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of photosynthesis and transpiration. Future research can focus on the early perception mechanisms of drought in plants, revealing how water signals are transmitted in different tissues. Utilizing advanced molecular biology and genetic techniques to explore new drought resistance genes and regulatory factors, in order to accelerate the process of drought tolerance breeding. Deeply exploring the molecular interaction network between roots and leaves is expected to provide new scientific basis for further improving drought tolerance in rice. Rice roots and leaves exhibit a synergistic and independent response strategy under drought stress. The synergistic effect of morphological structure adjustment, gene expression regulation, and signal transduction pathways enables rice to adapt more flexibly to different drought environments. Future research should focus on addressing unresolved issues, delving deeper into molecular mechanisms, and utilizing this knowledge to support the cultivation of more drought tolerant rice varieties and the development of more effective agricultural management strategies. This research direction will help improve rice yield and food security, and address the challenges posed by climate change to agriculture. In the future, we hope to make greater contributions to the sustainable development of global agriculture by conducting in-depth research on the drought response mechanism of rice.