
Rice Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 12-18 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/rgg 17 has the potential to cultivate more high-yielding and high-quality rice varieties. Multi gene editing systems can be used to improve the stress resistance of rice, making it more adaptable to climate change and adverse environmental conditions. Multi gene editing can help improve rice yield and quality, which is expected to contribute to global food security and sustainable agricultural development (Li et al., 2019). The application of multi gene editing systems has brought more possibilities for genetic improvement in rice, enabling scientists to comprehensively improve the traits of rice. This technology will continue to drive the forefront of rice breeding in the future, providing new opportunities for improving yield, quality, and sustainability. 4.3 Gene stacking and innovation Gene stacking and innovative editing represent two key aspects of the CRISPR-Cas9 multi gene editing system, which are of great significance for genetic improvement in rice. Gene stacking refers to embedding multiple beneficial genes into rice plants to simultaneously improve multiple traits. This is a key application of multi gene editing systems. Through gene stacking, scientists can introduce multiple beneficial traits, such as increased yield, improved quality, and increased resistance. For example, multiple genes can be combined to enhance the resistance of rice to various biotic and abiotic stresses, thereby creating more survivable rice varieties. This is expected to improve the productivity of rice, reduce crop damage, and thus enhance food safety (Zhou et al., 2014). Innovative editing involves precise and innovative editing of rice genes to achieve new traits or improve existing traits. This editing method can be achieved by adding, deleting, or changing specific gene sequences. Scientists can selectively edit rice genes to better adapt to different climates, soils, and growth conditions. This is crucial for adapting to constantly changing environments. In addition, innovative editing can also be used to improve the taste, preservation, and other quality characteristics of rice. Gene stacking and innovative editing jointly promote innovation in rice genetic improvement. Through these methods, scientists can introduce new traits into rice, improve yield and quality, and increase its stress resistance. This will help address the growing global demand for food, improve the sustainability of agriculture, and adapt to challenges such as climate change. Therefore, gene stacking and innovative editing have enormous potential in rice genetic improvement and will continue to lead the forefront of rice breeding. 5 Outlook and Future Development The CRISPR-Cas9 multiple editing system represents the forefront of rice genetic improvement, however, there are still many potential applications and future development directions worth further exploration. With the continuous improvement and accuracy of the CRISPR-Cas9 multi editing system, we can look forward to a wider range of application areas. In addition to the already involved improvements in yield, quality, and resistance, this technology can also be used for rice drug production, ecological restoration, as well as adaptive and evolutionary research. In the future, we may see more examples of gene stacking and innovative editing to achieve more complex trait improvement (Mehta et al., 2020). With the continuous growth of the global population, the demand for food is also increasing. Rice is one of the most important food crops in the world, therefore, its genetic improvement holds an important strategic position. The CRISPR-Cas9 multi editing system provides new opportunities for the improvement of rice varieties, which can meet future food needs. In the future, we are expected to see more customized rice varieties that can adapt to different climate and soil conditions, improving agricultural productivity. As the continuous progress of science, the field of rice genetic improvement will also benefit from emerging technologies and research directions. For example, researchers can use artificial intelligence and big data analysis to better understand the rice genome and quickly screen for potential editing targets. In addition, the application of emerging fields such as synthetic biology, metabolic engineering, and nanotechnology will bring more opportunities for genetic improvement in rice. Therefore, the CRISPR-Cas9 multiple editing system is an important milestone in the field of rice genetic improvement, but its future applications, prospects for rice improvement, and emerging technologies and research directions all require further in-depth research and