
Rice Genomics and Genetics 2024, Vol.15, No.1, 12-18 http://cropscipublisher.com/index.php/rgg 15 Genetic improvement of rice involves complex biological processes, including gene interactions and expression regulation. When designing a multi editing system, it is necessary to have a deep understanding of the interactions between multiple target genes to avoid unwanted effects. In addition, how to efficiently deliver editing tools to rice plants and ensure the accuracy of editing are also technical challenges (Elena and Estela, 2021). Another challenge is how to successfully apply basic research to practical breeding projects. From the laboratory to the field, it is necessary to cross multiple stages to ensure that the performance of edited rice varieties is consistent with expectations. This requires a significant amount of time and resources, and involves collaboration with the agricultural sector, growers, and communities. Genetic improvement of rice still needs to address climate change, pest and disease pressures, and ongoing agricultural sustainability challenges. Therefore, rice varieties need to have more stress resistance, higher yield, and better quality. Multiple editing systems provide potential solutions in these areas, but effectively introducing these varieties into the market and ensuring their widespread application remains a complex challenge. Despite facing these challenges, the development of multiple editing systems still brings hope for genetic improvement in rice. With the continuous advancement of technology and deeper research, we can look forward to seeing more innovative solutions in the future, thereby accelerating the development of rice breeding and improving the global food security level. 3.2 Potential applications of genetic improvement As one of the world's major food crops, the yield of rice has always been of great concern. Multiple editing systems can be used to improve the growth characteristics of rice, enhance photosynthetic efficiency, and increase biomass accumulation, thereby achieving higher yields, which is crucial for meeting the growing global food demand. Rice is threatened by various biotic and abiotic stresses, including pests and diseases, drought, saline alkali soil, etc. Multiple editing systems can be used to enhance the resistance of rice by editing genes related to resistance to diseases, pests, and stress, which will help reduce pesticide use and improve crop survival rates. In addition to quantity, the quality of rice is also a key factor. Multiple editing systems can be used to improve the taste, flavor, appearance, and storage characteristics of rice. This is crucial for meeting the needs of different markets and improving the market competitiveness of rice (Mohammad et al., 2021). In some regions, a lack of specific nutrients in the diet is a significant cause of health problems. Multiple editing systems can be used to increase the content of specific nutrients in rice, such as vitamins, minerals, or antioxidants, thereby improving people's dietary quality. The multi editing system provides flexibility for the development of new rice varieties, allowing researchers to accurately edit target genes and introduce new traits in rice, such as resistance, growth characteristics, or improved production efficiency. This provides new opportunities for creating more innovative and competitive varieties. Climate change will have profound impacts on global agriculture. Multiple editing systems can be used to breed rice varieties that are more adaptable to different climate conditions. This helps to ensure the sustainability of food production, maintaining high yields even in constantly changing environments. These applications demonstrate the diversity and potential of multiple editing systems in rice genetic improvement. With the continuous development of research and technology, we can expect more innovative methods and solutions to accelerate the progress of rice breeding, promote global food security and sustainable agricultural development. 3.3 Application of CRISPR-Cas9 in the rice field CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technology has become a revolutionary tool in the field of rice genetic improvement. It provides researchers with a fast, accurate, and efficient method to edit rice genes to improve yield, resistance, quality, and other agronomic traits. CRISPR-Cas9 has a wide range of applications in the field of rice. CRISPR-Cas9 technology can be used to selectively knock out unwanted or unwanted genes in rice. This helps researchers understand the function of specific genes or improve rice by removing unfavorable traits. Through CRISPR-Cas9, targeted editing or repair of rice genes can be achieved. This provides possibilities for improving the traits of rice, including increasing yield, improving disease resistance, and improving quality. Multiple editing systems allow researchers to simultaneously edit multiple genes, thereby better achieving improvements in